WTR: room and room mate near MCC in rochester.

Well, i got fucked on the dorming thing, and i still cant find a room mate and school starts tuesday. im looking for some to split an apartment as close to monroe community college as possible. trying to keep costs as low as possible as well. anyone knows of anything or anyone interested please let me know asap.

serious people only. my car and many other things depend on me getting somewhere to live asap.

please no smokers, unless you can deal with smoking outside. and def. no drugs.


well you’re a party pooper now aren’t you?

just kidding.hahaha

no, drinking is more than okay

EDIT: asthma is a bitch.

i plan on going to MCC in january with my friend. if you can hold it for like 2 months ill deff room with you. i just have to finish my civic first. once its done i plan on moving out there.

my only problem as of right now is a job, i cant get a job here in west seneca because i’ll never be here because of school and the drive and i need time for HW and sleep. and if i get a job there without an apt there i’ll also be in the same dilema. but if i cant find anyone else you’re definately the first person i WILL come to


I’d love to get a room and get the fuck out of the house. How would you pay if you don’t have a job though?

Student loans…

i’d get a job in rochester. thats not an issue. the issue at hand is not knowing where to get a job becuase i don’t know whats going on yet. by the time i would get back to buffalo every night it would be really late. and if i got a job in rochester when i didnt live there i’d have to drive home at like midnight every night and have no time for homework.

student loans also dont cover for living expenses unless its dorming i think.

student loans cover anything, you just have to know what type of student loans to take out for what. Private loans cover any expense you have thus why you see some people asking should i take out a student loan to pay my credit card now do you think a student loan would pay for a credit card and not a place for you to live? Look into it more there is plenty of options being a student.


if you are going to a community college, why don’t you live at home?

because home is 100 miles away.

That is a good question there are community colleges closer to you than in rochester

i’ll have my mom help me look into it.

not that has what i’m taking. and its also the cheapest school in NYS.


Thats what i use

Got ya just didnt quite understand the situation

not when you factor in how much more it’s going to cost you living on your own. young people never have a clue how expensive it is. i’d be willing to bet it approaches a UB tuition after rent, food, bils etc…

WTF are you taking?

oh, its fine. the school was reccomended by don from hybrid so i figured why not look into it, liked what i saw and now here i am lol.

EDIT: taking the toyota t-ten program. which has also already gotten me a job at a dealership. but i cant work many days with how whacked out my school schedule is.

What’s UB tuition nowadays? 4500?

rent = 3006 months = 1800
food = 75/week (if you don’t eat shit) = 1950
utilities = 50
6 months = 900
MCC tuition = 1000/semester? (guess)

TOTAL = 5650…

ugh. and you want to be a tech. have fun with the rest of your life sucking.

sorry to get off topic, but there are MUCH better decisions to be made. cars are a good hobby and a shitty job. and if it’s your job, you probably can’t afford to have it as your hobby…

a few guys i work with work 80 hours in ALOT less on flat rate, 2 grand a week. and also most of them are pretty well off from the job just seeing their toys and what they drive.

i like the work, it doesn’t bother me much.