Which college??

they both have there pluses and minuses

but i like laroche abit more

going back to school for my Bachloer’s in Information technology

1: What’s your major going to be?
2: Can you tolerate foreigners?

for what… some schools are better than others for different programs

oops forgot that, Fixed

Both decent schools for that… Id go RMU though

3: Other


Cheaper than RMU and LaRoche, and still a respectable school.

I don’t know if it’s that way now, but RMU was always more of a business/accounting type school back in the day. LaRoche is a good school for fucking hot foreign girls and getting so drunk you vomit semi-important organs and tissues.

BUT… there are a few IT heads on this site… give their opinions quite a bit more weight than mine.

Never gave pitt any thought…
Delslow can help you with pitt…
Whitey with RMU
and i dunno who for laroche

I graduated from CAL with an IT degree. www.cup.edu

heh heh… chad went to “see you pee” :smiley:

Harvard on the mon

RMU for IT.

or pitt

assuming you enjoy state funded education though.

RMU is no longer just a business/accounting school…
they are the only school besides PSU-Main with my major in Western PA… maybe all of PA

They have really grown… expanded to a bunch of areas…

Other: Dominoes has a Pizza school.

You can do a 4 year IST degree at PSU Beaver.

RMU… I fucking hated the administration there, but the campus is pretty nice and I know they’ve built a lot of shit there in the last few years since I bailed. teachers are underpaid, a lot of the classrooms are pretty ghetto, and its pretty pricey for what you get IMHO. But Whitey and Bobby311 both graduated from RMU with IT degrees. Talk to them.

Actually nowadays, Franklin is the only shitty building… John Jay was completely rebuilt over the summer… very nice building now… and of course Hale and the Student Center are both very nice classrooms… anyhow :gives: i vote for RMU

I’m a Pitt graduate. For many reasons, I would NOT advise you to go to Pitt.

I’d consider Bobby Mo more than La Roche for a technology related degree.

130 views and 8 votes? lol

anyway, thanks to those who have given advice

what do you need a degree for :kekegay:

yeah… a degree is a degree is a degree… get something real concentrated and maybe it’ll be good for leverage… like a .net developer… or something? although i’m not even sure about the software side of things.

what do you do? or want to do? areas of interest?

a degree is just going to get you the interview… not the job…

that’s my IT experience…

haha u sound like a broken record.
Some people do have a Ba at the top of their life goal list, its called self fulfilment :dunno:
I did a semester of night classes at Laroche a year ago and the adjunct faculty knew their stuff but the only reason I went there was because it was 2 minutes away from my house. LaRoche is not known for a being a prestigious technology institution but there are some fiiiine ass women there and all the foreign students are funny as hell since most of them don’t give a shit, they just cut up most of the time if they even show up at all. quite entertaining but too much for me to work full-time then go to school part time. Ive never been through so much Mt. Dew and cigarettes in my life.

This past semester I was planning to start full time at Bobby Mo as the locals say…their hybrid business/IT class offerings were very attractive to me and the fact that I didnt have to go anywhere near that shit-hole O-Town (Oakland) pretty much sealed the deal. They are growing at a strong steady pace, jump on the bus.

anyone that has been RMU have some advice ?