Which college??

I’m an admissions counselor for Pitt. So my suggestions will be biased. Basically when your looking at a college you should consider factors like size, location, reputation, programs, academic fit, cost and financial aid available.

Here is the website for Information Sciences at Pitt: http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/

I think they have open houses every week. Def come and visit the campus and talk to someone in that department to get a feel for what its like.

you can send me a PM if you have any spcific questions about admissions or the program.

I went to RMU and graduated with a BS in Information Sciences. I will be heading back there in the next year to get my Masters too. Bobby311 got his BS in Information Systems Management and then his Masters in Internet Information Systems. I think I can speak for the both of us that it was definitely a good experience for us and we learned quite a bit. RMU has grown in leaps and bounds since we first started and continues to go. Employers know RMU students, there are 3 RMU grads at the small company I work at and they look for more RMU students each day to fill some slots.

I know most of the Teachers in the IS dept at RMU, some are extremely brilliant. Once i obtain my masters I intend to become a part time faculty up there as well…so who knows you might have me for a class one day

I would have to say other regarding this poll question…

I go to Indiana Univ of PA, and depending on what you are going for, major wise it is a great school for Business and Criminology, in addition to safety science’s…

no one cares what college you got your degree from. degrees are licenses to interview, not free passes for jobs. just graduate with 3.0 with a BS or BA. For the most part it’s not what you know (ie your school), it’s who you know

and colleges are in order

  1. Carnegie Mellon
  2. RMU, Pitt, Saint Vincent, Seton Hill, Cal, Laroche, Clarion, localPSUs, Carlow, Dusquesne, etc
  3. Associate Degrees
  4. No Degrees

yup… that’s what i said



yes you are, i’ve told you that lic. to interview thing b4:booty:

i transferred from rmu to laroche and i’m happy with my decision, but just do wut u want my opinion should have no bearing on your decision. I’m going for film, video, and media…so our degree choices are quite different. I picked LaRoche for this because they have a partnership with pittsburgh filmmakers organization, and I take some classes down town there. O and there are lots of hot pieces of ass at LaRoche.

dunno how it would apply to an actual college but the last career fair thing Wyotech had that I went to I talked to alot of dealers. Alot of them said the pay more attention to your attendence than your grades.

Which is what blows about Bobby Mo…
I’m almost always at class, but we have a 75% attendance policy
My freshman year here, no one really abided by it… but someone must have gotten pissed, b/c nowadays, nearly everyone takes roll…
I dunno if other colleges have this or not