Miata Guys

Im posting this for myslef almost as much as I am for my girlfriend but im looking for some info.

Shes looking to buy a 99-05 (nb) Miata with all around use in mind.

While I would like to see her stick with a decent track and auto x setup she has made it a priority to boost it asap along with all the suporting stuff to obtian a respectfully fast car right off the bat (which I understand)

Just wondering if anyone knows any info or links to good miata resources.

How much boost and hp can that 1.8 block take?
Whats needed to support boosting it?
Common suspension setups and wheels?

Any input is apreciated… thanks:tup:

Shouldn’t you post say, Miata Girls?


I’ve just been spending some time reading into this as well. There seems to be a ton of aftermarket support for the 89-93 1.6L motor. You can get a brand new Greddy turbo kit for them for $1200ish. Granted, that kit is good for +30whp @ 5 psi and only includes a fuel pressure riser for fuel management, but start with that kit, add an intercooler, injectors, and real fuel management and you’ve got yourself a 200whp 10-12 psi Miata that oughta be good for 12 second runs in that little package.

Granted I’m sure that’s oversimplified, but still.

Spend $3k on the car and $3k on upgrades. $6k for a 12 second toy that handles really well sounds good to me.



Shouldn’t you post say, Miata Girls?




miata guys = :gay:

unless its prepped for trackuse :stuck_out_tongue:

id supercharge a miata if ur gonna throw it around the twisties… a nice twinscrew would be nice

doesnt really look a whole different then boosting a honda.

engine management looks sticky tho. and it appears that u might run into trouble with the returnless fuel system.

I feel like a dad pushing their child into something but I would love to see her in a miata that can outperform a stock s2k

Just bear in mind that if you talk her into and/or install mods on her car, anything that goes wrong will be your fault and your responsibility to fix. Even if it had absolutely nothing to do with you or your mods. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just bear in mind that if you talk her into and/or install mods on her car, anything that goes wrong will be your fault and your responsibility to fix. Even if it had absolutely nothing to do with you or your mods. :stuck_out_tongue:


haha this is very true. its the exact reason why i try not to get into repairs on my gf’s car. then EVERYTHING turns into ur fault.

Nahh, shes got a good head on her as far as cars.

I would have no problem working on one. Anything is better than my subaru

Shit, then do it! I can’t think of a more fun car than a boosted Miata. Well, without toeing the line between street-car and go-cart. :stuck_out_tongue: Who care’s if it’s not manly. We already established in the other thread that cars only attract sausage anyways. Not that it matters since this is for your woman…

what happened to the wrx?

Just buy it already done:

SC would be a better choice ultimately for a twisties car simply because of the nature of the car would take better to SC.


SC would be a better choice ultimately for a twisties car simply because of the nature of the car would take better to SC.


Are you kidding? Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? Srsly?

A turbo is a perfect choice for a Miata, we’re not talking about a 40R here. Notice, the Mazda Speed Miata is a turbo car? Notice most road course racers that arent NA are turbo? Yeah there’s a reason for that, in the “twisties” you’re already in a higher RPM range, meaning you’re keeping that turbo spooled. So you’re already in boost, you dont have to worry about it snapping on and the rear wheels lighting up, and the car coming around on you. The ONLY advantage a supercharger has is from a dig, and let’s be honest, if you’re racing a Miata from a dig, you’re just a fag.

For autocross, supercharge it. For street/track day, turbo it.

I had a long discussion with Curt about this (the CS champion for some time now), after he had driven a turbo miata, and a supercharged miata back to back at an autocross. Long story short, the supercharged was considerably quicker around the course, and was much easier to drive due to it’s smooth power over a wide HP curve. The turbo car however was definitely more powerful and faster, but it was too hard to use the power at an autocross. Given more room, like on a track, the turbo car would have eaten the supercharged car up.


Dew it!

Anyhow, good read on boosting in general here. It’s in the 1.8 Miata forum, but seems pretty general.


http://www.flyinmiata.com/ and http://www.bellengineering.net/ are your friend

Best year to get is 94-95.
-1.8L motor
-More leg room
-Better looking IMO

Fix it for you.

www.miata.net isn’t a bad place to start either…