Michael Bryant is a vehicular manslaughterer


Honestly, i feel for the cyclist and their family…


wow! thats intense, i feel so so sorry for the cyclist… and to the SAAB driver, Mr. Bryant I hope they find you a big dude in prison to be your cell mate and he rents you out for cigarettes!!!

its unbeleivable…

i heard it on the radio this morning… i swear i have never been more excited about anything on the radio ever… i slapped the dash and screamed for joy…lol

fuck this clown… the unfortunate part is that he is so well connected that he’ll get off light even though this looks really really major

Wow…what the fuck is with people.

Bing, your right…how ever. Knowin people…well, yeah. As fucked as it is. He’ll get a slap on the wrist.

^^ unless they want to make an example out him, something like nobody is above the law no matter what your career did for Canada! Roits will begin if he gets a ‘‘slap on the wrist’’

canadians don’t riot unless it involves a major win in an irrelevant sport.

Or, unless you’re in Montreal…

thread title change…

yep, if you have money and connections, you’re above the law, i don’t expect to hear much else about this matter. what would have happened if it was someone in a “street racer” that had done it though?

Thats fucked! He probably just finished a game of grand theft auto or something.

…and carried it in his back seat with the case and all its glory.

He’ll get off with probation for 10 years or something.

I wanna see this fucker burn for this… Wasn’t he the main SOB behind the street racing law?

The only time he’ll be seeing is on the watch on his wrist.



technically he should be charged with stunt driving resulting in death.

im gonna try and not get to involved in this because this shit pisses me off.

the cyclist in Toronto are all Retards maybe now they won’t be some sure about weaving in and outta traffic.

The cyclist is dead…I can see that having a major role on Bryants side…in a positive way for him…if you know what I mean.

The guy is dead…can’t really defend him self.

^^ very true