Michael Bryant is a vehicular manslaughterer

I wonder what the guy did to him…

join it, i was more bored than anything else, but i don’t want him to get off scott free, only real means i have to protest.

Even if the cyclist was intoxicated and aggressive Bryant still did some massively sketchy shit here that will land him in serious trouble… Let’s all hope he goes to jail because his laws were criminal anyways…

Thankfully, no matter how this one turns out it should keep him out of major office for a while / ever.

This guy was likely to be premier, PM or worse in the future… The cyclist, regardless of motive, has done us all a major favor

Well, despite the actual charges, I’m sure we can all agree the man is a piece of poo and deserves anything and everything he gets.

lol how come i dont know who this dude is? fuck…i care nothing really about it but it would be cool to say lol…

What an ironic situation for Michael Bryant. I can only hope they make an example out of him during this time where all these officials are being proven that they are indeed capable of being corrupt. i.e Ont Gaming Commission, eHealth

You beat me to it Bing!

Honestly as soon as I read the news, I had to ensure a thread had been started on SON.

I don’t want to say I was ‘happy’ per se, but the irony in the incident was certainly very heavy…!

lol maybe the cyclist is on a bike because he lost his driver’s licence due to Bryant’s stupid laws and he recognized the fucker on the street while he was on his bike, grabbed the side of his car and started to cus him out and talk smack about him. Bryant clearly aggrivated from the cyclist and did what he did.

iunno, just a differenent scenario i thought up of just now :blush:

With Bryant heading for jail time, I find it only appropriate that the 50-over law be scrapped. :fingersx:

^^^ we all wish!!

I’m not saying he should be driving a brand new AMG, but come on. lol

Yeah but to each his own. I think everyone here knows that Bing is ballin’ enough NOT to be driving a 240 but yet he still drives one. :slight_smile:

To some people, it’s not always about “leveling up”, it’s about staying with something you like and enjoy.

Bill Gates drives a mini van!!

i think he drives a malibu too

and his house can talk and has ambiant sensors which adjust lighting and temperature to suite your mood.

and im pretty sure he has a terminator

his house runs on windows, i wonder if he runs Vista now >.>

watch the shit that goes down when the leafs win the cup in a couple years…

thats fucked
that guy cut me off 2 weeks ago on a bike at that exact same fucking location while i was on the way to 137 edward street, i went around him like any normal person would because there was no one in front of him at the time and im not gunna wait for some douche to go 20km in the middle of the road when he is supposed to hug the side… he came up to me at the next light and started yelling because my roof was down , i told him to go fuck him self and he smashed my mirror backwards, and a whole bunch of bulshit ended up happening after that

that guy is fuckkked… he tried chasing me, but i ended up stopping and getting out of the car … thank god i did or i would have had a guy hanging of the side of my car
such a small world

^^ very true its a small world! my baby mama found me!!


never heard of this… oh well thats why you go hardtop instead of soft top. it would literally have saved his life. :expressionless: