here is a great article on the whole street racing B.S.
So true…
I wish I could have written up something so well put together like this article.
It’s all about setting a precedent, impounding of cars is just the beginning for more draconian laws…
That brought tears to my eyes, its sooo beautiful
"The average person doesn’t know the facts and has no idea where to look for them. They are being lied to and are being fed a plate full of bullshit. (Last month) the Commisioner of the OPP said that we need a fleet of airplanes to combat street racing! Are you kidding me? A fleet of airplanes? And he had the audacity to say that the cost would be “minimal” and that they would pay for themselves by saving tens of thousands of lives!!
honest, i really think the governemnt is retarted at times.
Im glad to see someones been able to find the true statistics and put them down on paper…however, i still dont believe anyone would buy into the true possibilites of the mass amount of death in canada. Like ron said, they need someone to blaim, and without anything for us to defend ourselves with how can we…
nice article, thanks for that.
i’ve been advocating that point for ages…
wasn’t there at one point a political movement aimed to bring awarness to this issue?
but it’s a double edged sword. There will be no back-lash to this political in-justice because the majority of driving enthuasists don’t give a rats ass…or rather to young to really care about this issue. They will simply complain and cry about it.
So…unfortunatly, for anyone of us that drives any car that may have a kit…or nice rims will be stereotyped as a young kid, that preaches fast and furious as their bible, and is a street-racer-punked-out-kid that has no regard for public safety.
beautiful article, for people that clicks the link and go "uggghh it’s too long " just read the last couple paragraphs, perhaps last… 5?
funny how theres more accidents as a result of driving below the posted limit than there is from “street racing”. why dont they make a law saying if u are caught driving under the speed limit then ur car is impounded for a week. and all they need to do with drunk driving is permenently take away peoples licences for life if there caught drinking and driving, and if there caught driving again without there licence automatic 5 years in federal prision, and if somehow there stupid enough to drive drunk after losing there licence for life then they get automatic 15 - 20 years inprisionment. then i fukn guarantee nobody will get behind there god-damn wheel drink again with a law like that imposed!!. i think all this bullshit about street racing should go away and the fukn idiot government and cops should start puttin there time and our money to more important things like the million unsolved rape and murder files they have stacked up in there cabinents and all the banks gettin robed and all the identitiy thefts goin on. i just really fukn pisses me off when i see cops put on there cherries to go thru a red cuz they dont feel like sittin there waiting like everyone else or when u see em’ sittin at tim hortons or sittin in red light runnin peoples plates, are u fukn kidding me? go find a fukn rapist or murderer, dont worry about pullin me over for old stickers or havin a loud exhaust. GAAAAAHHHHHDDD