michigan is awesome!

no inspection, no emissions

why cant NY be like this?

hell even for trailers there’s no reg. just get your plates the first time and your set for life

the bad part about this is there is 392947823823947 x 10 shitboxes rolling around everywhere lol

the weird thing is though, haven’t seen many modded cars yet, saw one mustang with exhaust, and a wrx with a can, other than that all stock cars

(just visiting my dad who lives here)

just like FL

if u left and didnt say good bye i would of beat your face in. ps u me and steve need to get together soon

and dont forget legal left on reds…

same like sc…

I’ve driven enough in MI to know that no inspection IS NOT a good thing. You’re constantly wondering if the POS with the 3 wobbling wheels riding your ass even has brakes.

u know, ive been to michigan about a dozen times or more ( my brother goes to MSU ) and ive never seen anything like some of the stuff back home in the southern tier… but ive never really been to the hick towns of michigan either. just lansing, and ann arbor

You must have at least seen cars broken down on the side of the highway. I’ve been there a bunch of times and I’ve never had a trip I didn’t see some POS bringing traffic to a crawl because it broke down.

My best friend lived out there for several years and by the time he left he HATED that they didn’t have annual inspections. Just watch the threads here about inspections to see what people will do if they don’t have to meet some minimum requirement for maintenance.

“Do I need an emergency brake for inspection?”
“How worn can my brakes be to still pass?”
“I’ve got a pretty bad wobble in the front end, think it will pass?”
“What’s the minimum tread depth for tires?”
“My shocks are really bad, will I still pass?”

All questions I’ve seen asked on here about inspections. If those people didn’t have to get an inspection I know for a fact they wouldn’t get their unsafe cars fixed.

The emissions thing you can debate, but I find it funny that the people crying most about mandatory emissions checks are usually the same people who bitch the most about SUV’s.

alright there are def quite a few ive seen on the road dead… i totally forgot about those. I’ve seen 2 on fire previously as well… but didn’t put my 2 cents to think hey they are those p.o.s haha

yea there’s a few broken down on the sides of the road, not more than usuall i dont think

and yea i’m just outside of lansing.

the left on red takes a little while to get used to, and the strange michigan u-turns are a little strange to me, i dunno how there isn’t 3848394 accidents a day due to those

so many times ive almost gotten nailed from these U turns. haha

A. Michigan blows ass! Lived there for a year and it sucks!
B. No inspection sucks! There are so many POS cars on the road there with no functioning lights and other things that are very dangerous and shouldn’t be on the road.

the land being flat sucks cuz the wind is terrible

in august they had the big woodward dream cruise thats when all the good cars come out i go every year it used to be a big old school car event but the last few years there aresome real nice imports and high end luxury , my sister lives in auburn hills. there are lots of nice cars that way too.