Mighty Taco Nacho Cheese.

This shit is like liquid gold.
I need to figure out what it is so I can have a supply of it for home.

Anyone know what kind of cheese this is?


Not helping.
Go pick up some teen working at MT and make her give me a barrel of cheese.

just befriend someone who works there.

brian -

it is a huge secret, as is the deliciousness of their beef. all of the food served at the old MT is made in a small factory in love joy that is under lock and key 24/7. you will never figure it out, unless you know bruce willis. im sure he could figure out how to get in there


ps - to anyone doubting my story, i worked there in high school and learned the ins and the outs of the taco trade. not only did i earn my high school diploma on 2002, but i also have a degree from the school of taco rolling

Daddy needs his fix.

one of my friends gave me a half jug of the hot sauce… if i could i would have bathed in it i love it so much!!!

juanitas if i remember correctly. i work there.

mighty taco cheese sucks moose cock, this shits got nothin on Moe’s queso


I LOVE that cheese also! Some of my friends disagree but their crazy. Regardless of what taco or burrito I eat there I always end up dunkin it in the cheese and completly clean the small container out. I hope they never change it lol.

:tup: same here

Their guac ain’t to shabby either. jus’ sayin’


It’s made by El Paso.

That’s not true.

ya i made that whole thing up one night :slight_smile:

I need more Buffitos here. Just saying.

Whatever it is, it isnt natural. You ever see molton cheese hanging at an italian deli?

Obviously they don’t make molton cheese in Italy… they make it in Mexico! Hello!!!

I’ll send you some. Just let me know where

Any idea what brand their sauce is?

Mighty’s Medium Sauce > Mighty’s Nacho Cheese