
they found one of the 13 dead in a coal car! :frowning:

uh oh :frowning:

SO at around midnite last night I had a nice bedtime news story that 12 miners survived the explosion and only 1 died. I wake up today and they change it to 12 died and 1 alive…WTF?? That would be awful…god bless those miners and familys, what a terrible three days it must have been so far. Now may the lawsuits begin. Those people were so happy last night when I seen them on TV when they got the new of 12 alive…how embarassing. The news rushes and fucks everything up…

I fell asleep on the chair last night and woke up at like 3am when they found out that it was reversed, 12 dead one alive. The families were all so pissed off. BUT I want to know who TOLD them there were 12 alive and one dead. Was it an official? They made it sound like it was some random woman that went into the church and said that. Now if that is the case, why listen to some random person, and not wait for official word? Or was it an official someone that was w/ the rescue effort that told them that by mistake?

:dunno: listing to it now!

cool, get the scoop. They weren’t sayin much but how pissed off they were at 3am.

[QUOTE=jinxxycat BUT I want to know who TOLD them there were 12 alive and one dead. Was it an official? [/QUOTE]

It is over with now, and I don’t think anyone should be responsible or figure out who told them they were alive…just let them RIP. Who cares who made the mistake…all it was was a mistake, unfortunatly they happen even in severe circumstances.

I don’t care who made the mistake, it’s just the only thing on the national and local news, the radio etc. Press is making a HUGE deal outta this so that is why I want to know who told them. If it’s an official, then they can bitch all they want. If it was some random person, then the press needs to stfu. :wink: I’m sick of it already.

they said someone with redcross on there person!

12 of 13 Miners reported alive are dead.

miscommunication was the factor

Community Heartbroken Over 12 Dead Miners
AP - 19 minutes ago
TALLMANSVILLE, W.Va. - Most of the 13 coal miners trapped in an explosion apparently survived the blast itself, retreated deeper into the mine and hung up a curtain-like barrier to keep out deadly gases while they waited to be rescued, officials said Wednesday. All but one were found dead after a day and a half. The miners’ families learned of the 12 deaths after a harrowing night in which they were mistakenly told at first that 12 of the men were alive. It took three hours before the families were told the truth, and their joy turned instantly to fury.

The only survivor was the youngest miner, Randal McCloy Jr.

so someone w/ a redcross on huh? :ugh: I have a redcross pin, maybe I am more impt than I think :ugh: I feel really badly for the families, but come on. I think I would have been skeptical about that :dunno:

I’m not picking at you… but… in an extreme situation… people just listen… they don’t think clearly… They probably were just happy to hear good news…

Those poor people.

I’m wondering if they found the 1 guy alive and just assumed that they were all alive before they actually found them.

what a shitty way to go. Stuck in a huge hole, knowing that there is alot of CO in the air and you only have an hours worth of oxygen on your SCBA unit.

God Bless those guys.

a jacket

i don’t understand why they didnt get out, they had gas masks, there wasnt a cave in… they had hours of air with there masks… all the rescue crews had to do was hop on one of those cars and drive it untill they seen them, put them on the car, and drive back out… i dont even see how it took two days to walk though the damn mine… from my understanding soo far there was no obstructions that really prevented them from walking out of the mine… i really want some more explaination to these details…

and as for the news reporters, today’s paper wasn’t worth reading, it went straight out of the bag and onto the table outside for some painting


offtopic, But that paper is funny. always jumping the gun to beat other news media.

go get a clue!

Have you EVER been in a mine? … or know ANYTHING about a mine? … The reason that they didn’t get out has nothing to do with the amount of air they had. I personally believe the concussion from the blast and/or breathing in super heated air killed them.

As to your comment of why it took 2 days to get through that mine … you have to test the hell out of air down there. There is so much combustable/leathal air its unreal.

Get a clue …


You should have kept that… it may have been a collectors item.