them miners in Tallmansville, WV

12 Found Alive!
1 dead

Damn. I was hoping they would all get out. :frowning:

Thats good that there where survivors. I thought for sure they where all goners.

Sucks for the family of the 1 that died. I mean, seriously how crappy is that? 12 out of 13 make it, why him?

But good news for the most part!

cause he was number 13 …

the media sure made them sound like goners with the 1 hr. SCBA. I just want to know how they stayed there so long “47 Hrs.” without your SCBA

47 hrs with 1 scba? dayum thats like a mirical.

No they all had a 1 hr. SCBA Tanks.
Plus no one knows how long they were down there Before the collapse. So they all could have had very lil in they’re tanks.

There were multiple tanks of Oxygen down there with them…

And now @ 3am, It’s been updated that 12 are dead and 1 survived!

What a turn in events

Whered you see that?

i saw 12 dead 1 unknown

same thing i saw on CNN

12 dead 1 critically injured

Yeah, on the radio this morning…

Quita a change of statistics…

woke up to that news this morning I was shocked

That sucks i was really kinda of shocked in a good way at the beginning of this thread then not really that excited. I cant imagine a much worse way to die.

Wow someone really messed up by reporting the wrong information.

It made it everywhere. I got to work this morning and checked out the newspaper in the break room and it said 12 found alive. The morning edition ran with the information.

I saw all the people on the news cheering and happy when they thought it was 12 who were alive and then they showed them 3 hours later after they found out what really happened. Pretty shitty.

Hatfield and McCoy.

What are the odds.

those people’s families must have been pissed.