them miners in Tallmansville, WV

Who actually said there were 13 survivors?
I have seen no film footage of it.
Has anyone seen this?
Was it just a rumor that was passed around or did the company make an official announcement?
If the company announced it, it must have been recorded, there are cameras everywhere.

A family friend came up to a CNN reporter that was on the air live and said 12 were alive and that they would come to the church and meet with they’re family’s! Thats when the news started that they were alive. 3 hrs later, fists were flying cause it was the other way around and Only one was alive and all the rest were DOA

But late Tuesday night, families began streaming out of the church, yelling “They’re alive!” The church’s bells began ringing and families embraced, as politicians proclaimed word of the apparent rescue a miracle.

As an ambulance drove away from the mine carrying what families believed was the first survivor, they applauded, not yet knowing there were no others.

Though the governor announced that there were 12 survivors, he later indicated he was uncertain about the news. As word buzzed through the church of survivors, he tried to find out what was going on, he said.

“All of a sudden we heard the families in a euphoric state, and all the shouting and screaming and joyfulness, and I asked my detachments, I said, ‘Do you know what’s happening?’ Because we were wired in and we didn’t know,” Manchin said.

International Coal Group Chief Executive Officer Ben Hatfield blamed the wrong information on a “miscommunication.” The news spread after people overheard cell phone calls, he said. In reality, rescuers had only confirmed finding 12 miners and were checking their vital signs. At least two family members in the church said they received cell phone calls from a mine foreman.

“That information spread like wildfire, because it had come from the command center,” he said.

Three hours later, Hatfield told the families that “there had been a lack of communication, that what we were told was wrong and that only one survived,” said John Groves, whose brother Jerry Groves was one of the trapped miners.

“There was no apology. There was no nothing. It was immediately out the door,” said Nick Helms, son of miner Terry Helms.

Chaos broke out in the church and a fight started. About a dozen state troopers and a SWAT team were positioned along the road near the church because police were concerned about violence. Witnesses said one man had to be wrestled to the ground when he lunged for mining officials.

wow, someone screwed up good and hard.

yea read there earlier today, RIP

it kinda sucks when you die at your job…

Thats an understatement. I can’t blame people for starting a riot afterwards. That must be the most crushing feeling a person can get. Being told your family member is alive then OOPS!!! our bad!!!

it was prob some jackass in the crowd that started a ruhmor… that sucks

“Though the governor announced that there were 12 survivors, he later indicated he was uncertain about the news.”

I should have known it was an elected official who fucked up.

“At least two family members in the church said they received cell phone calls from a mine foreman.”

Seems to me like it was a horrible misunderstanding by mine workers above ground and the rescue teams in the mine…a static filled radio call saying “We found 12 miners” was most likely heard as “12 survivors” or something like that. Then once it hit the ears of anyone w/ a TV camera, no one bothered to really check and make sure…

So does anyone else hate the media as much as I do?

Especially foxnews?

“A reminder that the real tragedy here is the misinformation the victims families received early this morning. . .”

Ugh punch them all in the face

We need to make this somewhat simple story as sensational as humanly possible! Who cares about the suffering families

so much for trying to be the FIRST to report the ‘big story’…

tell me about it…I was watching that cunt Rita Cosby on MSNBC last night @ like 4am and she was doing an interview with the gov. and she kept pushing for “well who started it, will they be fired?”

You know what bitch, stfu. Someone made a horrible fucking mistake and gave dozens of family members false hope…guess what? They wouldn’t have been able to be dissapointed if this fucking mine didn’t explode to begin with. Let’s find out why that happened…then we’ll chalk the fact that 12 people are dead to an accident (b/c work accidents happen, so do communication accidents).

The REAL tragedy is that 12 people died doing their jobs and trying to put food on the table. Not that it was proven once again that when tired, exhausted people play the game “telephone” shit gets messed up.

As to whos fault this is…I can’t really blame anyone…someone misheard/understood something and shit got out of hand. You can’t blame the gov., it’s not like he was standing alone and said “Shit, they’re alive” someone told him

I agree, I almost feel bad for the person who made the mistake, they are instantly going to be hated by everyone.

Insane… it was even scrolled across NBC last night that 12 survived :bloated:

yea someone screwed up pretty bad…
i feel bad for the families getting their hopes up only to be crushed shortly afterwards

bah… their all jackasses IMHO

every cable news network was doing that ish… funny thing was, noone reported a damned thing on it. (just kept reporting the same BS over and over again until it was beat into the ground… and started over again)

seriously… the media can all go to hell… I’m honestly sick of hearing from them/about them

I just hate the non-news headline whores that are on each channel…Rita Cosby on MSNBC, that fucking nut job Nancy Grace on CNNHN, the falafel master O’Riley on Faux (well most of faux news for that matter).

There are less than a handful of shows on cable news that are worth watching.

You know what else, my sympathy for these people is dropping rapidly…

The words ONLY and MIRACLE shouldn’t ever be in the same sentance, and only denotes a lack of greatness while a moment of greatness is exactly what a fucking miracle is.

:word: well, at least their error wasn’t a matter of life and death. oh wait.

I think they were referring to the jr. bacon cheesburger being re added to the wendy’s .99 menu.


I woke up at 3 am last night to Mr. Mole on CNN reporting that 12 were dead and one was in critical condition. it was good to hear someone being less dramatic by using only information he was sure was confirmed. (though I actually don’t know what he did earlier in the night…maybe Cooper messed up too)