Mini Cooper VS. Chevy Tahoe

Who would win?

if it was head on obv the tahoe, its easy to go underneath a car and fuck it up.

look at how corners tackle running backs… they dont try to tackle them head on, they take an angle and go low
which is wat the mini did:mamoru:

both totaled who cares… my girl (crown vic) hit a saturn and destroyed the back of it. there was a 2 inch scratch on her bumper.

You have a modded vette and an M3 and you let your girl rock around in a crown vic? geesh

Atleast hook her up with a cavalier or something :lol:

me and my friend were drivin arnd in his old caddy and we got rear ended buy a jimmy and its was pushed in till the motor and we only had a chrome chip on the rear bumper heheh

you used and a lot in that sentance



We already talked about this. When she moves down to Houston, she either wants a new camaro, or a diesel truck. Either one will end up being black with black rims. :slight_smile:

We have a soft spot in our hearts for “vicors”.

I still have to swap in a terminator drive train and make one a 600hp sleeper. Narrowed ford 9inch with weld pro stars… ugh