Miniature Fox Terrier needs home

This was a dog we rescued from a nasty trailer out in Somerset. He’s been with me for about a year. He’s been to the vet and is estimated to be about 4 years old, is very healthy and active. Has a strong personality and once bonded with someone he is very protective in the presence of strangers. Absolutely hates being alone but has never destroyed anything in my apt. Loves sitting right next to you and will sleep all day if you’re being lazy. I’ve left him at home for 6 hours or more and he held it until we got outside. Currently fostered at my parents’ house but they have 5 dogs and I live on the 9th floor so I gotta find him a permanent home. Very fun dog with a strong personality, only about 12" tall at the shoulder. The vet believes he is a purebred but there are no papers or anything.

Would send him to his new home with a large crate, big bag of food, some toys, leash, food/water dishes and a couple of dog sweaters. Probably a $50 fee to help offset his vet bills and the cost of the crate.

Does not crap on the floor and guaranteed to fit in your hatchback.

cool looking dog…bump for the pup

sailor :dunno:

he was talking about getting a dog a month ago

I would take him in a heartbeat, but I just had to put my fox terrior to sleep not too long ago and now I live on my own. Taking care of him would be difficult (left alone for 8 hrs a day). Hope you find a home for him, fox terriers are good dogs.

  1. my GF asked for pics of the actual dog.
  2. this really a crate trained dog, yes? I entice dog, it stays in crate without a single peep?
  3. How would this dog be around leather couches? I imagine “chew toy” comes to mind.
  1. I’ll get some pics in the next day or two, I just picked him up from my parents’ house tonight.
  2. He willingly enters his crate whenever he is told and is used to sleeping there at night. During the day, if left in the crate alone (ie. you leave the house) he does bark. At night, he sleeps generally without making a sound until some time in the morning, usually alerting you to the fact that he’s ready to pee.
  3. He has never chewed on ANYTHING in my apartment or my parents’ house.

I would take him, but I have a cat now and live alone. He would be left alone 8-10 hrs a day, which wouldn’t be fair. Good luck

My posts keep dissappearing. I replied to this twice.

bump for pics

If that line doesnt sell it i dont know what will haha
BUMP for a nice doggy

tempting. get along w/ cats? whats his energy level like? wanna bounce off the walls all the time? if i let him outside–will he split? have 3 acres of land for him to wander. but the main road is a truckers’ road. dont need him playing chicken w/ the rigs.

lastly, is he afraid of cars? can i take him down to the garage and have a open header v8 or open exhaust turbop car fire up and he wont go ballistic? as most of his nights would be spent at the garage w/ me.

He’s been living with a couple cats so he’s pretty cool with them. He occasionally tries to make sweet love to one of them. He’s usually happy to just lie around if you aren’t doing anything. Most of the time in my apt. he would just chill on a blanket we gave him unless we were doing something or if he needed to go outside. At my parents house where he had permanent access to outside (ie. we didn’t have to go down the hall and wait for an elevator) he pretty much laid around all damn day unless we got him fired up.

As far as running, I’ve taken him down to Highland Park and he likes to explore but I never had to chase him, he always comes back if I call him. That said, I don’t know exactly what he’d be like with 3 acres or how far he would go but he’s pretty attached to people so I don’t think he’d disappear.

Not sure about the garage noise, but I’ve never seen him really run because something was loud. He’ll jump back but I think that’s about it. I’ll try to take him out to the garage and fire up my dad’s bike w/straight pipes to see what he actually does.

Wish I could have a dog in the house, I’d snag this little guy up in a heartbeat. Give him a good home Sailor.

check pms. ill take the dog if it gets along w/ mine

PM’d you back, these 2 look like they could be brothers

give me a call at 3046124555 thanks