Minor Damage to Front Right Fender, Repairable?

Heyy guys, I recently acquired a good dent into my right fender :frowning:

looking to see if I can repair it on my own somehow, like taking it apart and hammering it back out? you think it’s possible? instead of looking at picking up a new fender…:o

I’ll post pics of the damage as soon as possible, hopefully tommorrow if
you guys need to see the inspection.

Thanks for the input…:slight_smile:

ya need to see it//// but usually if it looks like a circle with a crease in it (cats eye) then you may be able to pop it with a toilet plunger…depends on location etc

alright bro, I’ll post up pics asap tommorrow :slight_smile:

Worst case scenario.

  1. Hammer and Dolly
  2. File
  3. Grind
  4. Fill
  5. Paint

Not too difficult at all. You’re lucky this is on your right front fender and not on any of the back quarter panels. Post some pics though and Kazz will tell you exactly what to do.

alright, here are the pictures of the damage to the Right Fender…


Hammer and dolly should be the best way, start from outside and work to the center where the impact happened. if you dont feel secure with doing it, go to the library and learn techniques with simple tools. might not need to be painted after. it sounds like you dont wanna spend the money to fix it so i would say do it your self and if you screw up, its just metal and you can keep working it or get a new fender. cant loose by trying, if you have the time.

nasty “ding”

goona need to hammer it out… hammering allways requires repainting…


your car is white…I can fix it or paint another to match no problem.

there is also a guy on a/the ontario site for 240’s selling some white front fenders for pretty cheap so they will swap no problem and probly match anyway

hmm…ya guys something that’s cost effective to the point where I don’t need to replace the fender, if so…then I’ll buy off a new fender, summer break is just around the corner, so I’ll make enough to start buying more parts and stuff :smiley:

but for now, if it’s repairable, then for sure I wanna just fix it.
Kazz, how much of a time consumption would this take you to fix?
so I’ll have to take off the fender when starting the work right?

& I heard somewhere that if you put some type of oil/water mix on the fender or any area of the body where you’ll need to hammer it out, it won’t allow the paint to chip, or peel off

hammer and dolly (anvil) will allways require repaint work when you have CREASED the material like you have.

this is because you have stretched and thinned the material…and just like a pop can…when you get it back in shape it will still have a little crease left in it…

this is only truely removeable with “shrinking” a technique of hammer on and off dolly causing the material to “smooge” (technical term there) in such a fashion as to be thickened in a specific direction…obviously you would make sure the direction is where it thins out…

to do this you must hit very hard…paint will not be able to withstand that kind of force as it is not maleable enough to not shatter.

this is the basic principals of plastic deformation in an material…most noteably…plastic…and commonly seen in metal at the point of failure/hardening…like how hitting a screw with a hammer causes a dent in the hammer…roughly screw shaped…and the portion of the screw that you hit may be “mushroomed” so as to no longer accept the screwdriver that was meant for it.

a fender for your car can be found for as little as $25 I can repaint it for you for $50 an it will match and look just like factory.
pearls and metallics would cost more but you are plain white so no prob…
1 afternoon of work either way…more money for the bodywork tho as I still need to paint…

Only a sledge hammer can fix that fender, might need to replace it though to make it look smooth without the bumps.