MIR World Cup Finals (Nov. 7-8)

ill take it!

i will since my trans am will be sold by then :hs:

get out of my spotlight. Nick, drop that shit off at my house

Picked up a new set of 24.5X9.5X13 Hopefully they work better then mine.
Going to tune boost by gear this week.

I am pumped!

Better hit a 9

i need some spray and a set of DRs for the back…anyone wanna lend me a set =)

let me know how that works out for you joe, ive considered this for my camaro. eboost2 has this as a feature and supposly much better boost controller then the Greddy one i have

im pretty pumped, getting close! Wayne you coming?

yes sir i think i have to bring gates and mack since they are giant vags and wont drive themselves =P still deciding on trailering the car down or not though

I Reserved a Room for Saturday Night!

Chris What time are you leaving on Saturday Morning?
I Am still Debateing what if I should Stay Fri Night too.


We usually leave pretty early. There is nothing going on Fri night down there so thats why we are leaving on Sat morning. We should get there around 9am-ish.

Saturday night!

I bet there will be alot of piss drunk pittspeed members there, what more entertainment do you need?

exactly, thats what friday nights for!

im thinkin about leaving right after i get off work at 11pm so i can drive down and get a few house of sleep in a parking lot somewhere

Whens the miracle mile crew leaving? Make am I still taking you and gates?

I’ll be leaving at noon on Friday most
of the guys are leaving around the same time some earlier in the morning. You gonna nitrous the ta

I will if I find a kit to throw on for the weekend. Main priority is finding some DRs mounted already

I got some 26X10.5 ET streets?

hmmmmmm that would work perfect actually