Misfire on Cylinder 2, any help appreciated.

Hey guys and girls.

I’m having a little problem on my winter car. It’s a 93 S13.

It’s developed a misfire issue of some sort. It started doing it intermittently, now it’s on all the time.

Under a hot start condition, it would sometimes run on three cylinders for a minute or so, then all four would work again.

Changed the plugs, cap and rotor. Still the same issue.

With the car running, you pull out the plug wires on 1, 3 and 4 and there is only two cylinders going. There is good spark on all of them.

When you pull out the plug wire for cylinder number 2 there is NO change. The thing is…when you pull out the wire, there is spark when you ground the plug wire.

Anyone have any clues?

Otherwise this car is going to the demo derby.

you try injectors/ fuel rail?

oooooooooooooo, nope, didn’t try that one yet. I don’t think that it’s fuel rail though as I’m definitely smelling come seriously unburnt fuel.

Try and listen for that specific injector’s clicking to make sure it’s working…and make sure it’s electrical connection is tight…

Other than that it might need to be pulled/cleaned or replaced etc.

Good luck.

EDIT: BTW that’s for if the unburnt smell is mostly from the exhaust, if it’s heavy from the engine bay you might want to check the injector’s o-ring seal and see if there is any spilled fuel around etc.

buy some fuel injector cleaner from canadian tire and see if that help out ur injectors might just be pluged

I just helped a friend diagnose an RB with the same problem.

injector cleaner would normally work if the injectori s not clogged but if it is, it won’t help.

try swapping injectors 2 and 1. If now Injector 1 doesn’t fire, you know what is wrong.

Injectors do die. they are mechanical