Missed my court date....now what?

its called a bench warrant, and theres no law to my knowledge stating 1 reschedule is mandatory

wow $17, you’re rich! seriously tho…how long did you wait for that check?

Lol, I’m originally from the fall’s hence my response.

i was arrested for driving on a suspended license and a few other things, i posted bail, i had the cash on me, it was $250. i was processed within 30 min, got a court date, went back to work (lol). then i went to the court date a few weeks later, they took the fines and subtracted it from my $250 bail money and what was left was $17. i bought walker (the xburlyx dude in my avatar) lunch with it bc he picked me up, drove me to work to finish my shift, called his x-gf to get my impounded car, drove me around to court dates and whatnot while my license was suspended, ect. super good dude. ahhh memories…

i dont know if $17 is enough for all of that, sounds like a good guy lol

one of the best. i miss him dearly :frowning:


oh, hes not dead or anything. we used to live together and hang all the time. not so much anymore. we’re not single, we dont live near each other, ect. people change, things change, im sure you knwo the drill

lol wow ok…I thought you meant he died…like I said before, I’m an idiot.

I missed my court date twice on one ticket, and let it go for 1.5 years until I went to the Evans DMV and thought “while I’m here, I should pay my ticket”. It was only an equipment violation though. I let another one go before the DMV gave me the 1 month reminder. Don’t get a ticket in Gerry NY and then lose it- they have someone in the courthouse for about 1 hour/week and the machine is always full. I had to call the judge at home to re-schedule.:bloated:

I’ve missed all my court dates till they send me the official “You license in now suspended” letter. I’m a lazy fuck :lol:

Anywho, call the court up, and in these words, “Hey, I’m sure I have an old traffic ticket I want to take care of, wondering what I should do.”

Done and done. They’ve had me come in that day or the next, pay the scoffle law fee,$30 bucks (lifts the suspension) and pay the court fee. Walk out a happy guy.

I’ve done this 4 times btw. :wink:

I know lots of people this has happened to…and the there is some miss communication between the court -> DMV -> next cop who pulls you over…and then you have issues lol

The court gives you a DMV stamped piece of paper to give the cops for that reason. I’ve kept it in my wallet for about a month each time. :headbang:

I have too missed a court date before and was thankfully granted a reminder… but even the first time, they CAN issue a bench warrant. You must have been in the sticks for court to get away with blowing them off 3+ times… Amherst / City of Ton… i’ve seen them lock people up for being LATE.

^ I live right in the city of Rochester (not like, next to it in a town). Granted, 2 of the tickets were from nearby places (Gates and Hamlin,NY) and the other two were some where along Rt 90 between here and Albany.

The two along rt 90 I didnt have to even show up, when I called them I said something along the lines of “I live a few hours away, can you send me a plea notice and take care of this by mail? I’m not able to make it out there and I would like to catch up on my responsibilities asap”. Mailed them out a Not Guilty along with my drivers abstract and letter to their DA (regardless if they asked me for it) and both of those were lowered to a non-moving violation.

Seriously, something to consider with courts, is you’re still dealing with people who can alter decisions based on what you say and do. Lay out grounds to make their job easier and chances are, they’ll go for it. They don’t give a rats ass about your speeding ticket over the guy who just shot his baby’s mama.

ok so against the orders of some of you guys on here, I listened to my dad and he said to just call them. So i just called them and explained what happened, they said don’t worry about it and just come in Monday to get my court date. The lady sounded like she hated her job and didn’t really care about some chick wondering what she should do about her speeding ticket…so I’m guessing it isn’t that big of a deal and she probably sees this every day. So yea, I guess I just thought Amherst would freak out about this? I guess not.

People in those positions have to deal with scumbags and people who give them attitude for most of the day. Like Schema said, make their job easier and it will make your life easier.