rant about being a fucking retard.

i am seriously such a fucking mess. I cant rmember to do anything. had a court date, forgot to go. got a new court date, forgot to go. got 2 more tickets… forgot to go to those. didnt recieve anything from them yet. i had a dayplanner, but i lost it. i am seriously such a mess. at any given second, the only thing i am ever really concerned about is that second. i have no plan for the future. i have this stupid pile of car that i want to get rid of. i just want to disappear. end rant.

probabaly have a warrent out.

Hes prolly right

Dibs on the motor. How did you find out, or remember, that you skiped court?

i’m in the same boat as you newman. i actually think i might be suspended because i missed 3 court dates a while ago.
lets go together tommorow to the town hall and get our shit straight.

dibs on everything nissan

ahhhh…you can hold each others hand. How cute.


Newman, why dont you talk some of that baller money you make and buy a secretary or something.

shitty shit, mang. ever try writing down everything you need to accomplish and cramming that into a picture holder in your wallet? that sounds pretty sarcastic but I don’t mean it as such. sometimes it’s just mental overload, stress just throws the cerebral breaker switch :lol:

don’t miss any more court dates, tattoo that shit to your forehead backwards. not good to be hauled in on a friday night and having to wait until monday afternoon to explain the situation to the magistrate.


you can’t even get the right chinese food order

eat a nice fat steak!!1
that will make u feel better

welcome to ADD and a lack of respect for authority because you know its more about emptying your wallet then doing the right thing.

it has nothing to do with respect. i just dont care. ha.

[smartass]Stop smoking the reefer![/smartass]

A good hard workout session usually does wonders to help me clear my head and focus when I get like that. Sounds like you’re just stressed all to hell and are being pulled in a ton of different directions?

you need a huge phone the size of a graphing calculator to keep you on track

which stupid pile of car were you referring to? there are two…

I have the same problem. I remembered late last night that I was supposed to go to jury duty yesterday. Dammit, now i’m in hiding :snky: . We will have to set up a NYSpeed safehouse or something.

sounds rough. sometimes you’ve just got to take a day to catch up.

i’ve only missed jury duty like 6 times
i have a court date next week in utica that um i should really call and postpone because i ain’t gonna go

Post-it notes are a life saver for me.

just dont answer your door, get pulled over or get your car inspected.

^^ LOL

I would recommend taking a large quantity of random chinese roots…I heard they do stuff when you take them…
