Missing a Neon, need some help

is he from EA… oh god I don’t know anyone with a neon… but that was about 4 years about since the last time i talked to some of the home town friends… :frowning:

Wow sorry to hear about that Josh ( if i confused you with someone else sorry) but thats terrible.

Hope they find it soon I’m hardly in that area so I doubt I’ll be of any assistance /sorry

wow, what an absolutly horrible situation…

My thoughts are with you and your family, and I very rarely give thoughts away…

Thanks for the support guys. He did try looking for the car himself on sunday, so we don’t think he hid it intentionally.


and the plot thickens…Sorry for the loss but I am totally intrigued and think that regardless of what happens this thread needs to be updated.

But cliff notes facts thus far.

Bro-in law loses car on saturday nite and cannot remember what happened?

He looked for car Sunday to no avail.

Took his own life Tuesday.

Still no signs of the car?

Not trying to be rude…but how does he not remember? Drunk? Mental Disorder? Kidnapped?


Not trying to be rude…but how does he not remember? Drunk? Mental Disorder? Kidnapped?


It should be fairly obvious that there was alcohol involved…

Well to be that Drunk to misplace a car and walk that atleast 5 miles…there is a potential for more than just alcohol to be involved.


Well to be that Drunk to misplace a car and walk that atleast 5 miles…there is a potential for more than just alcohol to be involved.


i agree with you, im sorry for the loss but i am almost willing to bet that there are drugs or a gambling debt, or some sort of illegal activity involved, for someone to go out drinking and loose a car and the cops cant find it there is def foul play involved on someones part.


i agree with you, im sorry for the loss but i am almost willing to bet that there are drugs or a gambling debt, or some sort of illegal activity involved, for someone to go out drinking and loose a car and the cops cant find it there is def foul play involved on someones part.



im extremely sorry for your loss.

good luck with piecing the puzzle back together.


Not trying to be rude…but how does he not remember? Drunk? Mental Disorder? Kidnapped?


^^He was drunk that night. We don’t believe that there was drugs or gambling involved since he was a pretty straight guy, just could never hold his liquor. He said he remembered walking through a field so I think it’s off the road somewhere and thats why it hasn’t turned up.

As far as the cops not finding it, there not going to go out searching for it, basically if someone calls in an abandoned car or something like that is probably the only way that they are going to find it. They are not going to extend much effort for a beat up 98 neon.

Sorry about some of the vague details, but out of repsect for him I don’t want to get into them to much.

Probably a good idea. That’s some dirty laundry you don’t waint to air on the internet.