Mitsubishi Evo X Owners

Hey everyone, I’m looking for some input on what about you as owners of the car have to say about it…good and bad.

Mitsubishi is sending me a car soon for an article that I’m writing, and I would like to hear from you what you like about the car and what you don’t like.

Also, if you could tell me what to look for when I review the car…things that others overlook.

I’m taking a 4 hour road trip in the car, from what I heard that will be rather unpleasant.

Any help would be appreciated.


dont expect to be able to slide right into the seats. unless of course you want the side bolster up your ass. its not a pleasant feeling haha
they are stiff seats, but comfortable if you arent a fatass

I’ve been fine in seats in a racecar before, I don’t foresee a problem…I’m not fat.

Just worried about a 500 mile road trip, haha. The last word in comfort and Evo is not.

GSR or MR?

Me and hudsonfalcon drove out to Boston with our X’s and I was rather comfortable. MR with the leather recaros is obviously a little nicer. Shifting is notchy on the gsr. Really can’t say anything about the MR since its a dual clutch auto and I’ve never drove one

The only one that Mitsubishi has available is an MR.

Bottom line the Evo X is not a road trip car. Driving in a straight line for 500 miles with the cruise control set will leave you unimpressed for sure.

The seats are comfortable if you’re not overweight and the MR interior is nicer than the GSR but is still cheap feeling. The MR transmission will give you less highway drone as well but just cruising on the highway isn’t going to show you the cars true potential.

If you get the chance exit the highway and find some nice back road twisties to really show you what the car is capable of. The interior is cheap for a reason, all the money spent on building this car is under the hood and in the drivetrain. It’s worth the detour since the car isn’t a straight line “broad sword” but rather a switchback “scalpel” made to carve up the turns and bring a smile to your face.

Have fun.

-Seats that keep you in them
-AWD System
-Mod Friendly

-Fuel Consumption
-Cost of Ownership
-Cheap Paint
-Trunk Space

forgot about the cheap ass paint haha

From what I’ve heard the shifts in the MR came be a little harsh

Great post man, I appreciate it.

I will say, I’m not looking forward to the trip…but I will say, not the whole journey will be on the main roads.

All Evos suck as a drivers car. They’re a great car to get in for 1/2hr-1hr and romp around in but are still just a cheap feeling car. Every time I have an inclination to buy one, one of my customers drops theirs off for work and after ten minutes of driving it the fun factor is completely gone. Bone stockers, big turboed, to completely caged decked out in every way possibly formats they’re all the same. and actually the more aftermarket shit you add to them the more capable of a car they become(on track, etc) but the more apparent of how cheaply built they are also comes to head as well.

Don’t get me wrong i’d love to own one, but i’d be beating the shit out of it as a rally car before using it as a DD.

Just my opinion. Take it as you see fit.

Good evening everyone. The Evo gets dropped off tomorrow, and I’m curious as to see if anyone is available tomorrow afternoon to discuss things about the car that I’m sure I don’t know.

Very cool, good luck with it.

Evening sir, grab a jar of Vaseline and consult the owners manual you Fucking weirdo.
