mmmm equinox sporty

It just seems wrong on many levels. But then when I was thinking, “This really isn’t half bad,” I spotted GM’s terrific attention to detail:

Oh dear.

ok, so what are we looking for?

I like the pretty blue lights

and, i’ll take my RL Vue with the AWD and honda drivetrain over
that :slight_smile:

looks like a control panel in a hospital ER.

It also looks like the similar interior design Audi has been doing for the last 10+ years now.

BUT WAIT!!!.. in blue/silver not red!!

So what’s the deal? Do you not like where the traction control button is or something?

maybe the “chrome” bezel around the shifter handle is to shiney

I give up. I can’t find Waldo.

That actually looks like one of the nicer GM interior’s I’ve seen.

Give it 3 months of daily abuse, it’ll look just like every other shit GM product.

yippy skippy

Look at it. It looks as though somebody put it on with tweezers and glue.

Yep, I like it. Bet the blue looks cool at night too.

looks pretty nice to me.

Looks nice? :shrug:

Actually, it looks a lot like another GM interior I’m partial too…

so with the equinox sport what will pontiac do with the torrent

Torrent GT

Its an Equinox, what do you expect?

My only problem with it is that I think the Equinox is overpriced as it is, so I can’t imagine that an SS version will be worth it.

because if dodge has shown us anything, its that the europe really knows how to make a bulletproof automatic tranny…

not :bloated: