Another Bike Accident

So far said the best i think. Anyone human has respect for someone who died or got hurt. No doubt about it. But when you do something to yourself, it is like “your just asking for trouble” with your actions, then its just part of the game. When someone else messes up or kills someone who didnt see it comeing it is completely different.

EXACTYLY. The reason I dont read the papers, or watch the news. They dont list any of the details, and people get mixed emmotions over it. Sorry for the poor guy and his family. Thats as far as it should go becasue NOBODY here “knows” what happened.

Never mentioned gear at all in the statment I made. And yes any professional rider, has spin protection, Hans braces, high end helmets, knee braces, ankel braces, you name it.

Again, I dont think I said there would be absolutly NO injuries. The injuries and deaths are minimized. That a person who never rode a MX bike. If they can get it into 3rd gear and aim at a 65 foot table top, they have a shot at clearing it. It is physics. If they end up nosing over, they dont know what to do and till just hold on for the ride. A better rider, who knows what to do pegs the throttle and pulls the front up as much as they can… the 2 seconds your in the air, you know if you are going down or will be ok… if your fucked your bailing, and then your positioning your body and moving the bike in such a way to MINIMIZE getting hurt. That is the skill I refrenced.

The flying at a tree, is common sense, and again physics. object in motion stays in motion until acted upon A TREE. Dont set your trojectory up to a tree, and you wont hit it. Mistake was made well before the crash.[/QUOTE]

The miles thing COULD be directed to you. But I have yet to ride with your or meet you for that matter. But when i do, if I do… who knows. The comment was for all the people who ride inside their comfert zone for ever… and never progress their skills. Someone who rode 50 different bikes, and has thousands of miles under their belt, could still be a fucking noobie… if they just figure out how to ride a bike, and dont push themselfs to get better. People die, people get killed. They are two verry different outcomes. Just recently Jerremy Lusk died doing a trick he has done more times, then you or I fart. People in the sport, see it as a death. People out of the sport, see it as an accident. People WAY out of the sport, see it as stupid. bottome line… its again, all opinions.