modded xbox

i have a modded xbox with xecuter2.1 or somthing like that, but my Hard drive crashed so i had to put the orginal xbox hard drive back into the xbox and now i lost all of my mods and all of my programs, i would love to get back into modding and i would need some help, i mainly play the NFS and halo 2 games, it would be awesome if i could get some help or maybe someone on here knows how to mod and i could bring my xbox to them, lets hope,

damn man that sucks… i sorta have the oppisite with my xbox, (modded with xecuter 2 … or somesiht) excpet my “eye” on the xbox that reads the disc doesnt work, so now im stuck with what ever game i have modded on there… which now there all getting old and want to put new ones but can cus my stupid eye doesnt work…

i dont know what im doing with it as i bought mine already mod but i can ask some people and maybe find an answer for you.

that already happened to me too hahah i just bought a new drive for it, cost me 70 bucks, also what u can do is download the games onto ur computer and then FTP them onto ur xbox, that way u can still get the new ones, i think the major problem is the lack of air in the xbox thats why i installed a HUGE fan in it and since i have no to trouble,(the harddrive problem happened before) if u could talk to some modders that would be aweseom thanks man