Modded ZR1 vs. TT Gallardo

Saleen > *

Once again, it comes down to everyone (including myself) arguing over things that they will never own or be able to afford.

saleen s7’s are godly

speak for yourself.

pretty much everyone that has posted in this thread is retarded and should off themselves, except for sixspeed454ss and shaggy.

OK, other than a Vette.

NAWZ tattoo what?

Eat a dick.

broken down mustang that will never run again that you wasted more money on than i did with my tattoo what?

suck on my small asian penis

Egg Woll What?

how the hell does this post make any sense? your calling him a hypocrite because he thinks another way from you? ask yourself that same question that you posted above and get back to me…


wow, you really are a kiss ass. gay ass azn

x2… I love the ZR1… but it will never…ever… be a TT Lambo.

he is wrong and I am right, it’s really not that hard to understand. :slight_smile:

10-4 :bigok:


who was trying to say that ZR1 > TT Lambo?



Best post in ITT.