
thats fine, i agree with locking threads that are going in the wrong direction, but to say we dont give a fuck

who is “we”, if that refers to the other mods then why doesnt one of them step up and lock the thread

and why cant you lock it and say thread going in the wrong direction

a thread comes up about somebody…party# 1 says what they need to say…fianlly Party # 2 will chime in with their explanation…once that is done…it’s done. The mods don’t want to have to lock the thread, or delet it…they think people are mature enough to let it die…but there is alwasy that one or 2 people that have to chime in with their .02 and that’s what seems to piss mods off…because again…people don’t listen. Once both parties have said what they need to say in a thread…let it die, unless party # 1 or party # 2 bring the thread back up for an update…

other than that…there is really no point to bring up the thread and add pointless comments if it had nothing to do with you…

even after mods DIRECTLY say “LET THE THREAD DIE” people feel the need to continualy post in it …

weve already proven that in at least one thread on the board so far …

RX3 becoming a moderator is the best thing to happen to this site. i will always give him a big :tup: for taking the drama to the curb. you da man. most of us will never have a run in with him because we actually contribute something positive to the site.

ok i’m gona give my 2 cents now that i’ve read all this… the bannings from the chino/cuban crisis thread, were spelled out, clear as day. IF YOU POSTED IN THE THREAD AND WEREN’T A PARTY INVOLVED IN IT YOU WOULD GET BANNED. so what did people do, post in the thread even tho they shouldn’t have, and got banned. what is there to complain about? its like saying hey the burner on the stove is hot don’t touch it. are u gonna still touch it? if u do, u get burned…

and as was stated by someone else in this thread, if your gonna ban somoene for somthing, u gotta be consistent with it. much like a football game for example, the ref has to call the game consistenly. if u don’t, u get alot of problems down the road…

I am too buzzed to make any sense right now

Just add my quick 2 cents

I agree with his bans 150%

You have to step back, and really think about every situation…

Sometimes, (not all the time, but sometimes) you don’t know everything that happens… Just like why I got banned off UBRF… not many people know the whole deal… they just assume… I try to tell but the story has spread many levels and I can’t do much anymore…

We’ll discuss amoungst the mods/admins.

I tired



Please read this

the middle ground: I totally understand moderation and the reasons why… like stopping drama, making sure everyone follows the rules… what I don’t agree about is the level of MEAN I see in the bans and locks.

It’s totally unnecessary and it’s a turnoff. I read a “we don’t give a fuck” and things of that nature, Rick, and I don’t stay here. I’ve always looked at forums as mini families and when I see that, it makes me cringe… the word abusive comes to mind.

it looks to me like people are feeling a bit hurt. I know what kind of person you are and you’ve been an amazing friend of mine. this is not just you “not ignoring things” anymore… this is you being unecessarily rude. I’ve seen the word unprofessional, and can almost agree with that word as well, if it’s spelled correctly.

I know it’s not your actual job to mod, but it’s still a role you have to play appropriately. maybe you should treat it as if the future of this site is important to you, as it should be. Is it? I can’t tell.

I don’t like to see good people angry and insulted about something as basic as how they’re treated. I’m hoping for a toning down of meanness…it’s really not too much to ask, and an easy thing to change without any prides being hurt. It would be nice to see some real maturity and respect here.

People need to grow thicker skins. If me saying “We don’t give a fuck” is hurting feelings, then I feel sorry for you all (whose feelings are hurt)when some real adversity rears its head.

It’s sad when people are so uptight about how to say things that they never say what’s on their mind.

I know exactly the thread everyone is bent about. Some guy posts, “oh I got banned from so-and-so for whatever” . I don’t give a fuck. We don’t give a fuck. Leave that bullshit at the door. And I wouldn’t change a thing I said. You know why? Because if I saw that person on the street, I would say the exact same thing. I’m honest like that. I tend to curse when I feel strongly about something. It might be a bad habit, but it tends to get my point across without anyone being confused on where I stand. This is not something that just pops up when I’m behind a keyboard. I will say the exact thing to your face. You know that Jan. Anyone who knows me knows that. I’m straight up about EVERYTHING.

If it hurts your feelings, that’s your problem. People curse at me, and you know what? I don’t dwell on the fact that “OH they said we don’t give a fuck”. I take what was said into context, deal with it, and move on.

Why do I want to know about someone getting banned somewhere else? I don’t give a fuck. Me knowing that useless information is only going to make me look more suspiciously at that person because "he got banned there, what’s going to stop them from doing something stupid and having the same crap happen again. If you’re gonna be here, leave that other shit outside. Clean slate here. If you were a dummy somewhere else, I don’t want to know. We don’t want to know. Just don’t be a dummy here.

Bringing up the fact that you are a dummy somewhere else to a bunch of people that have no idea, and wanting to rant on and on about it for 9 pages = drama. WE DON’T GIVE A FUCK.

All we care about is that you not be a dummy here. This is your chance to not screw it up. So forget about the past, and don’t make the same mistakes again, whatever they were.

IF you think for a second this attitude somehow just recently developed. Think again. I’ve seen threads that were stupid before I was a mod, and I’ve said similar things. Case in point: Sureshot started a “Say something nice about the person abbove you thread”. Remember that? I was #2 post on that thread. What did I say? “Your an idiot for starting this thread”. There was probably a curse word in there, I can’t remember. Was Adam pissed. Sure. I didn’t care. Did he give me negative KArma? Yup. I didn’t care. Did I seem him face to face a few days later and tell him THE EXACT SAME THING? Yes. With curses. He laughed. We still talk. We still hangout. We just agree to disagree. It’s not my job to agree with everything everyone says or does, and I sure as hell don’t have to sugarcoat if I so choose.

If that hurts your feelings :gotme: Pandering to people’s “feelings” just gives people leeway to misunderstand and take advantage of you. That won’t happen to me, if I can help it. I always make it clear how I feel and where I stand.

If I’m wrong, and this isn’t what the site wants to promote, then I’ll be de-modded. I don’t care either way. I will still say what’s on my mind, in the manner I say it. If you don’t like it, that’s your choice. I don’t give a fuck. Don’t be a dumbass, and I won’t have to treat you like one.

I think I’m annoyed enough now that I can finish installing my project now. Time to log off and get back to the real world.

awww… I guess my thin skin is to blame for my reactions to your behavior.
right. okay Rick. I understand you and your philosophy completely. :bloated:

I agree with what has been going on so far. For stepping in and stopping a 20 page drama threads. :tup:

Only issue I have is with the 2 extra weeks added to a ban for saying:

Just seems a bit absurd, 2 days for posting in a thread related to two parties. Can definatly agree with that. But 2 more weeks for something like that, it’s just a bit absurd from my point of view, as weel as from a few others so it would appear. :tdown:

Monte also has a horrible history already tho … disrepecting mods, starting shit, leaving bullshit Neg fedback for respected members, trading BS feedback with her bf, crying that shes done with wny forums and never coming back, jumping into thread battles with her bf…

anything im forgetting there ???

Nope, that about covers it. :tup:

Just pointing out the reason why was done (Or at least appears to have) seems abit… out of place.

Bah hate not being able to edit.

[rant]Yeah and my only neg from one of the two for providing a legitmate link about the difference between horsepower/torque, at Guess some people find answers to their questions offensive. [/rant]

slick rick for press!!!

i agree with how he mods 100%

he even gives warnings about how he is going to mod, look at his sig people.

i’m kinda in the middle here…i see both sides, so i’m gonna put my .02 in for both sides…i do understand the need to mod…things to get out of hand, and a lot, on sites like this…and rick is doing what he believes he should be…he is using his judgement to close threads as he sees necessary, and he was selected as a mod because his opinion on such matters is held at high value by certain people…its not like he was just choosen at random…the guy obviously knows what he’s doing…

BUT…i too have noticed a lot of banning and thread closing for what seems like no real reason…especially in off topic…IMO, nothing in off topic should ever be closed unless obviously it becomes an online e-thug bitch fight between two parties…then PM’s can be used, or IM’s…but off topic and its title just explains itself…it is off topic…even if the convo within it strays away from the topic it was originally meant to discuss, the sweet irony is that the off topic convo going on is exactly where it should be…if that makes sense to anybody…and i dont see an “off topic” thread that strays off the topic as lock-worthy…especially to the extent it has been happening recently.

i’ve also noticed a few comments in this thread about the chino-cuban crisis thread…

about people hating or loving rick’s moderation over it…

i’ve met rick once or twice back in the good 'ol bubble tea days, and he seems like a real cool down-to-earth guy, and i am totally for him being a mod here…

BUT…why can’t people chime in their opinion, or their .02 in the thread? isn’t that why this is a PUBLIC forum? i mean, if chino or cuban crisis didn’t want people getting nosey all up in their business, and wanted to discuss things amongst themselves, they coulda used IM, they were both online, and even though cuban crisis phone was off and he was at work…if he’s online, they can talk privately via IM…they are both intelligent adults and can figure out ways to get it taken care of on their own, without all the input of everybody on this forum…which means they musta put it on here for another reason…not for advice on how to get it taken care of, but for all of our input. again, it is a PUBLIC forum, open to ANYBODY that wants to sign up…and if they didn’t want us posting, they shouldnt have started a thread about their personal business…because at that second when chino started the thread, he made their personal business an open public topic for discussion…

if we had started a separate thread in off topic titled “group discussion on the situation between chino and cuban crisis” would it not have been locked? is it not allowed to discuss freely on an open public forum what we feel is helpful? and if you or anybody else doesnt like it or doesnt think the input is helpful, i guess you are the one who needs some THICKER SKIN if it bothers you so much when what we say doesnt interest you, or you dont find helpful enough, to leave posted…

i like this place…way more than ubrf…i hated ubrf because people were tools, babies, banned and banned and banned for no reason at all, or reasons that were never really justified…and threads were locked when somebody opinion didn’t agree with that of a mod…and while this place is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as ubrf was…i can see it possibly getting there, which nobody wants…rather than just clicking the ban button, or locking everything, think before you act…that’s all i have to say…

Chino CLEARLY STATED IN THE INITIAL POST that OTHER means of contacting cuban had FAILED

that thread was a last ditch resort, and it wasnt there for peoples .02, it was there for:

A) public embarrasment to for cuban into doing somthing so he doesnt look like an ass in front of anyone anymore
B) people who had something MORE then just 2 cents to add … if you dont bring at least 50 dollars worth of advice to the thread, GTFO

Rick is a cool guy in person and he gets :tup::tup::tup::tup: from me. Hooray for actual moderation. It’s not like he is banning people for no reason, or for completely personal reasons.

I must say, though, that the forums I find most useful have mods that are fairly relaxed. They don’t get a hoo-hurrah font, sometimes I forget they are even moderators, and everything goes smoothly. It’s something to think about.