Everyone really needs to stop whining about the Mods being overzealous assholes. They are nothing of the sort. If people would READ and follow directions, and take hints and nudges, we wouldnt have all these bans. It may seem like your being picked on or something, well maybe becuase your doing something wrong. If your being horrassed or constantly talked to about things you shouldnt do, Change what your doing, dont complain about how your being singled out. It happens for a reason, its your responsibility to change your actions. If your old enough to drive, your old enough to be a responsible adult, and being mature.
edit- wait someone just im’d me “rick locked ur vid thread”… hahahah… brb
What is with all these smart newbies lately. But :word: moderators are the ones in control. It’s not your forum keep that in mind these are the people chosen for the job.
Unfortunately i deal with people like this daily in school, ive always been a mature person for my age(17), and i feel if it comes from someone like me of similar age, they may listen, instead of the big bad mods telling them how to run their lives. Its like listening to your uncle instead of your parents. same advice, different source. I am pretty sure they are good kids under the shell, but teenage impulse and the urge to impress friends and act like a tough guy are natural but must be recognized and controlled. I only wish more people saw it like i do.
rick - search “fun” “Domestics” “rice”
see what comes up
You suck at searching Choda
The thread has been at or near the top of the page all day. Why complicate things? All you had to do was look
But of course, this will somehow be twisted into Rx3 is an asshole :roll:
Because we all know it’s all my fault.
Rx3 is an ass hole
It is your fault.
:lol: that link only has my thread on it, and i dont think ur an ass, just that ur skin is to weak. tough’in up
when searched “domestic rice”
this came up
i dont see mine or the other one.
nm, im not offended, carry on, please ban montecarlo chick. :lol:
cough GREATEST VIDEO ON THE NET thread cough
Put it right in front of his face, and he still didn’t see it. I give up. :meh:
Its ok, take a deep breath…1…2…3…
Feel better?
WOW…everyone has to chill…the Mods are jsut doing their job as a MOD…they sit there and dont make any money to make sure that this board runs smoothly and isnt a total cluster fuck…people on this board get away with more shit than any other board for the most part…most other boards wouldnt tolerate a NWS zone…we are luckily enough to have its own spot to post all the porn u want…so when people dont follow rules and have no respect at all they deserve to be banned
i need to pee
ya because you cant find porn anywhere else on the internet…
Goodjob rick, keep crackin that ban stick!!
all the mods are awesome (especially Zer0DazE) and i think i will buy them a pizza and RuBiCaNT a big steak.