Modified car insurance

Hi guys, 1st time posting here for myself, but I wanted to let you know about an insurance policy we are trying to setup for modified cars (if you haven’t heard already). As we all know the insurance industry in ontario is a joke, and if you aren’t having problems with your insurance at the moment you may in the near future.

If you are using your car for Solo1,Solo2 or have It modified in any fashion,lowering,engine swap,rollbar or just Bling,Bling we have obtained legal insurance coverage for your ride.

If your current insurance company does not know about your motorsport involvment Solo1,Solo2,Rally or your vehicle modifications you will most likely be denied coverage If you make a claim.

You may even be liable for any damages you have caused if you are found at fault in an accident.

If you are hiding the truth from your insurance company we have an answer for you.

We are not just looking for Modified cars to insure.We are looking for every day vehicles as well.

Minivans,pickup’s,regular cars etc.

We go into full detail at

Please help and try and get this great idea off the ground.
read more on in the thread called “So where do I sign up?” in the “Motorsports Insurance FAQ & Discussions” forum.

Thanks, and hopfully together we can get this off the ground. :slight_smile:

I just signed up and logged on, this is a great idea, i was reading about it earlyer, this is a wonderfull idea.

Quickly are you able to disclose who your underwriter is?

Taken from the thread on

Before we get started, I want to be very clear about what we are trying to do here.

We are doing a trial run to see the actual interest in Motorsport Insurance Coverage. We are not collecting money or offering coverage at this point.

We have completed all the legal paperwork to move forward with brokered insurance and as a back up, Self Insurance (CO-OP).

We have to find out where we stand before we fully commit to this venture. It is very expensive to file.

We can obtain actual Insurance coverage for any modded car as long as It can meet Canadian safety standards and clean air.

Our biggest problem has been death liability. All of the future policies will have NO death coverage. Period.

We have had a massive amount of e-mails worried about actual coverage under self insurance. I will go into more detail on this later.

We have 2 National Insurance companies Interested in providing coverage for modded cars. The numbers involved must be a min of 5,000 policies before they would even look at this type of Insurance.

This would be Insurance from a national carrier and we would act as a broker for them.

To sell Insurance in Canada, we must follow strict guidelines to protect the client and the government is involved in every step of the way.

Coverage under Self Insurance is exactly the same as a National Insurance carrier except for the fact that you have limited funds for claims. You have a better chance of going bankrupt over a National Insurance carrier if you have alot of fraud or claims.

Coverage under your current Insurance is as follows. You have a set deductible for claims and a set amount of liability coverage should you cause property damage.
Let’s say you have 500,000 liability coverage currently. You cause a 1,000,000 dollars in damages. You are responsible personally for the difference.

If you have a modded car with your current national coverage you are most likely not covered for any,fire,theft,collision and possibly liability coverage.You have lied to them about your activities and your modifications. You are hoping you are covered at this point in time.

Self Insurance will give you legal coverage.We are aware of what you are up to and have your car fully documented with all of your mods.The guidelines must follow Federal or Provincial Insurance rules.

As of right now we do not have provisions for fire, theft or collision under the self insurance program. Only liability and a maximum limit of 500,000 dollars for all single claims.

The National Carrier Insurance will have fire,theft,collision and liability coverage up to 5,000,000 dollars if you want to pay for that coverage.You will have your modded car fully covered for all claims. There will be no Death Liability at any period and no coverage if you are doing a timed speed event of any kind.

I wanted to give you a brief outline of the different coverages we are working on. The legal brief for Self Insurance is complete(CO-OP) and ready for filing. I wanted to wait until this was ready to know for sure we could get coverage for modded cars.

Once we meet the required number of applicants we will e-mail you a full detailed Insurance quote and can proceed with your coverage.

To recap, we have managed to get National Insurance carrier coverage for modded cars. We need a min of 5,000 real clients. This number should not be hard to obtain. If we fail to achieve this number we have Self Insurance ready to move forward.CO-OP

We require the follow information for a trial run.




type of car




list all modifications

Number of driving infractions and Insurance claims in past 6 years. Be honest about this. A check will be done prior to providing coverage.

Please tell us of coverage options you want quoted on




Liability amount.






Yeah there will be:
a) an age restriction
b) an experience restriction

For example… you can’t use this insurance if you aren’t 25 or have had 10 years driving experience. Something like that.

Also, seeing as everyone and their grandmother who has cut springs and no cats will want to apply… I wouldn’t be surprised if they limited it to people who are active in motorsports, be it Solo 1, Solo 2, ORRC, etc. Just to make sure that people who actually NEED this insurance, don’t end up paying for some woodbridge ricer’s claim cuz his Cut Springs bottomed out his shocks one too many time and something horrible happened.

Well the way my insurance company works or has it set anyway for a modified car or in my case they do a Vehicle Appraisal to determine the shape/quality of the car along with the quality of installation being there will be a SR20 and not a KA…

They are making me do this no matter what shape/condition of my car… rims/lowered/body kit…

According to the broker “and me being high risk” since the stock motor is no longer in it and the new motor is turbo charged they cannot classify it as a normal 240 any longer which is why the appraisal is done I suppose

It is being done end of February so I will post the results or prices ect…

sigh insurance company appraisers scare me.

I doubt this would work but its a great idea.

I’d like to sign up but I don’t want to give out any info about my car
being modified. Seeing who you are working with, it could easily fall into
the wrong hands and have me screwed over yet another time.

Sign up now. Get it off the ground now, so we at least can get 6 mos. coverage before State Farm or anyone else buys you out.

Did you know collusion is illegal? Yet insurance companies get away with it every single day.

I wish you all the best luck.

I know this is just adding way more work, but have you guys considered offering motorcycle insurance as well?

Cycle guys get raped 100x worse than car guys. The gov’t already stepped in once, but the rates crept back up again - and no one is doing anything about it.

For 6 mos insurance on a shitty under 600cc motorcyle, I was paying more than 1 full year on a car.

It’s hard to do $1,000,000 damage with a bike.

What is it going to take to get them to back off?

Everyone equipped to fight it makes enough $$$ they don’t even notice their insurance payments come out.

Boycott? I’d like to see that happen.

Signing up … hell, anyone that can get me a better deal can have my business.


I can understand where you guys are coming from, yet I must say that this is happenning and at the current moment we are gauranteed to have co-op insurance but are trying to get enough people together to move on to regular insurance.

There isn’t an age restriction, the only “catch” is that they are looking for “safe” drivers, a few tickets on your record is ok but too many or major at-fault accidents will probably not allow you to get insurance at this time. As a side; we’re also trying to prove to the rest of the insurance industry that drivers of modified cars are not any more dangerous than the average driver.

Once basic car insurance has been worked out, they have plans to move into other insurance types as well (motorcycle, house, etc…) to hopfully provide multiple policy discounts in the future.

Thanks to those that have already signed up :slight_smile:

If you are still unsure but curious check out and look over the threads discussing the insurance

Take care guys

Hey guys.

I looked but I can’t figure out where the sign up forum is. I must be blind but I wanted to give this a shot to see what my quote would.

So if it’s not to much trouble, could you direct me to the forum I need to fill out for a quote.

Thank you very much, I appreciate it. :smiley:

Easy 8)

You realize that insurance companies use risk analysis and statistical analysis to determine that drivers of modified cars are higher risk. I don’t expect that by just having an insurance policy that’s geared towards modified cars will prove anything to the rest of the industry. If your forum directs an answer to this point please post a link, i’m just bringing up a point that’s worth noting for any member looking for better insurance.