SoloCanada Insurance

if this is a repost then sorry but I thought in light of allot of the cars here, this would be a good solution :

If you are using your car for Solo1,Solo2 or have It modified in any fashion,lowering,engine swap,rollbar or just Bling,Bling we have obtained legal insurance coverage for your ride.

If your current insurance company does not know about your motorsport involvment Solo1,Solo2,Rally or your vehicle modifications you will most likely be denied coverage If you make a claim.

You may even be liable for any damages you have caused if you are found at fault in an accident.

If you are hiding the truth from your insurance company we have an answer for you.

We are not just looking for Modified cars to insure.We are looking for every day vehicles as well.

Minivans,pickup’s,regular cars etc.

We go into full detail at

I filled that form out in January and havent even had a confirmation email sent back. I dont know whether they are trying to gather information or gauge numbers but in my opinion this insurance is a long ways away from being a reality. So dont get your hopes up too much like I did.

i know the person who is setting this up… he’s seious about it… but as it says many many times over if you read anything that’s written about it, for ANY ins company to take him on he needs a min of 5000 people to ‘sign up’ … Since you’ve filled out the form articles in magazines and newspapers have been written mosre fourms ahve been told about it.

It doesn’t cost you anything to be supportive and positive about, but it may cost us all the opporunity for this ins. if everyone had your apathy about it.

Yeah this has been posted a few times… so he’s still not actually ready to take customers yet?

sumimasen on the repost

it seems that the nubmers coming in are picking up speed… 5000 doesn’t sound like allot but if what I read is true allot of people are just staying away… if you fill out the form, simply a way for then to say, "this person here would like to use aour services "… it will go along way to getting this done… they are also looking at expanding to home and life at some point to further reduce the rates… this is an old system of insurance that I’m glad is back, co-op. in some ways it’s a bit more limited but overall, your covered legally…