SR Legality Issues

I am wondering for myself, but i think we can take the conclusions this thread will hopefully bring us to and use it to create an FAQ.

I am wondering what the issues are with making an SR legal.

  1. Police/MTO issues - Is there any problem with the car if its not too loud :roll: and passes emissions?
  2. Insurance issues - What are the implications if insurance is not told about the engine swap with regards to liability in a claim?

i think these are the 2 main concerns on this topic, so I would like anybody who knows to share their knowledge. Include legal documentation from things like the Highway Traffic Act if possible…

Based on my experience and research, if the insured car has engine/ suspension/ and even body modifications (body kit’s, custom items) that then insurance company is not made aware of, the insurance compnay can back out of the contract claiming that the vehicle you are claiming is not the vehicle they have insured. Certain companies will refuse insurance on modified cars and/ or may have strick guidelines as to what they cover. For example, RBC will not insure lowered cars and/or body kits. You’re contract should go over all of these things, if you are having a hard time figuring out (legal mambo jumbo) you should contact your broker and have thigs cleared up.

As per the legalities of motor swaps, I’m pretty sure they are legal as long as you pass emission, have a working CAT, have made no mod’s to the frame of the car AND is properly insured.

i’m still in the process of gathering insurance info on this topic and will post a final “report” when i’m done.

Hope that helps,

Good luck with the exhaust


from what i’ve read, the SR20det is illegal because no car in north america is using it stock…
thats all i got

But those bigger more beefier engines were sold here in canada and came stock in cars.

I know this sounds silly and would be very expensive but bring a car over to the states ans drive it here and register it here from the states?

phillip: would the car have to be registered and insured as a hot rod? or can it still be classified as a 240sx

Wouldn’t it be possible to just say you put a turbo on the KA and painted the valve cover red/black?

if im correct, thats what some NEO’s have done

to some extent yes, but if they check the engine for its plates, they will soon find its not a KA24…

Change those too.

yep and people do sell em too
“ist not stock? take a look here, see SR20!”

what is really against me is that i am 17… so if i want to have insurance on a modified car, most places will laugh at me… anyone who would take me would automatically put me as high risk even though i have a clean record…

Exactly man its because were inexperianced and immature.


It’s because of stats all those fools out there crashing while dragracing which causes our insurance to sky-rocket

yup, i had a broker laugh at me when i got my car. She’s like dun drive and save ur money. U can drive after ur 21 and have a fulltime job. I’m like really! Like, wut if i was living on my own and need a car to get to work? I’m 19, so that is totally possible. Its not insurance its extortion(can’t spell).

And IQUABOB, i would just keep the insurance u have and not tell the company, cause its not worth it. They will rape u on insurance and u will end up paying for the car anyways. Its a lose lose situation. But, lets say u do smack ur car up, the engine will prob be fine. Thats ur biggest investment and can be moved to another chassis.

My $0.02

Any car that is US Spec (which all Canadian vehicles are)… is legal in Canada.

If you bring a car from the US… it is legal in Canada and will be registered as it’s own make/model.

For example: that is why you pay Motorex in the US a billion dollars to register your vehicle and change the vin to US Spec. The have cornered the market on this one.


I was talking to a guy from Austria and he said that over there, everyone’s insurance rates start low, then get higher with every accident/claim etc. This is the way it should be in Canada.

yup, i had a broker laugh at me when i got my car. She’s like dun drive and save ur money. U can drive after ur 21 and have a fulltime job. I’m like really! Like, wut if i was living on my own and need a car to get to work? I’m 19, so that is totally possible. Its not insurance its extortion(can’t spell).

And IQUABOB, i would just keep the insurance u have and not tell the company, cause its not worth it. They will rape u on insurance and u will end up paying for the car anyways. Its a lose lose situation. But, lets say u do smack ur car up, the engine will prob be fine. Thats ur biggest investment and can be moved to another chassis.

My $0.02[/quote]

what if i cause damage to someone else and insurance deny’s coverage because the car is modified? this is the concern… i dont even want coverage if i crash… i just want liability

All i want is for my insurance to cover them in a crash but not me. (Liability)

Question: what if its 100% there fault will they replace for argument sake my silvia bumper with another silvia one?

to my understanding yes… if the other person is at fault, their insurance company is responsible to compensate you fully

yup, i had a broker laugh at me when i got my car. She’s like dun drive and save ur money. U can drive after ur 21 and have a fulltime job. I’m like really! Like, wut if i was living on my own and need a car to get to work? I’m 19, so that is totally possible. Its not insurance its extortion(can’t spell).

And IQUABOB, i would just keep the insurance u have and not tell the company, cause its not worth it. They will rape u on insurance and u will end up paying for the car anyways. Its a lose lose situation. But, lets say u do smack ur car up, the engine will prob be fine. Thats ur biggest investment and can be moved to another chassis.

My $0.02[/quote]

what if i cause damage to someone else and insurance deny’s coverage because the car is modified? this is the concern… i dont even want coverage if i crash… i just want liability[/quote]
ahhh, ya they may void insurance if they find out. Its a real grey area in insurance and i think it shouldn’t be