Engine Swaps and Insurance?

I’m looking at buying a 1990 240SX with an RB25 swap allready done. I wanted to do the swap myslef, but stand to save a considerable amount of money and time by purchasing this car. However, it has got me thinking, how do I legally insure this thing? Sure, I could tell the insurance company when I phone in to get it put on my policy that it has a 2.4L KA engine, but would that not be commiting insurance fraud? And what if someone hits me and kills themselves or if I hit someone and kill them, could go either way, being my fault or their fault, and the insurance company gets wind that the vehicle involved in the crash was modified? Insurance company would shred my policy for lying to them, I’d lose the car, and probably never be able to drive again, something my job requires me to do. Anyone have any experience with doing this legally? How much does your rate usually increase? Is it possible at all?

just tell them your car is worth more they will ask if you have any after market mods tell them yes then they will ask if its over or under 1500 with a rb or any other swap tell them it is worth more

and then most companies will tell you they won’t insure the car.

^ would the companies that insure JDM cars have an easier time doing this? I would think its safer to drive an rb25 s13 that is LHD as opposed to an rb26 GTR that has impaired visibility being RHD.

I would try and find out where the skyline guys get insurance, and give them a call. I’m sure someone will do it, there is no way all the RHD cars out there are driving without insurance.

I bet you 95% of the swapped cars on this board arent reported. Yes you could kill someone tomorrow and your life could be ruined but you also risk being killed everyday you drive. Im not condoning you to drive a car that you dont think is insured Im just saying that sometimes people take calculated risks.

Sometimes you lose in life and sometimes you win.

I have yet to find an insurance company that will cover a modified car without severe restrictions. My advice, if you are so worried about it buy an STI or M3. That way you can have the performance with the legit insurance.

good plan.

Anyone on this board been fucked by insurance because they had the “wrong” engine in their car?

lol, I wonder if playing dumb would work

“I thought this motor came stock with the car. Is it really a swapped engine?”

I dont think “playing dumb” would work at all. Anyone at a insurance company with half a brain would know someone driving a vehicle with such an engine swap would know what he/she was driving.

I’ll check my policy to see who I am with…
I told my broker that I have an sr20 installed. as far as there concerned its a smaller 4 cyl. However it is now on my policy that the car is modified and there was no increase in my premiums.
I was also looking into an rb25. My broker said they could do a 2 cyl upgrade but I would be unable to go from a 4 to a 8 cyl.
You are going to have to make some phone calls yourself.

I had my dad phone my broker for me since I was unable to at the time, and I gave him all the information about what was in the car to tell them. I’m not looking them to cover anything if I get in a crash, and they said my rate would be triple from what it would cost to insure a stock 240 (around $2200/year, so aorund $6800-$7000/year . They also said that if I didnt claim it as a modified vehicle, and something happened and they found out, they would “probably” cover the other persons claim. They didnt say however what would happen to me afterwards. I guess I’m just gonna have to wait a few years before I do a project car and my rates go down. Craptacular.

just dont tell them about the engine… then if anything thing happens… just say you JUST did the engine swap (if anyone questions it) and just buy the car back from the insurance company.

If they dont ask, you dont have to tell.

Just get an appraisal and insure it under a 19A if your really concerned.

Yeah I have the same question, if I do an sr20det swap, would insurance go up as compared to a ka24det? I don’t think it should because they are essentially the same size engine, just one it slightly better then the other one. I was thinking to tell them that the car is stock, because as long as the car looks stock, it is stock, and insurance brokers wouldn’t know the difference between a sr20 and a ka24…

im fuckin paranoid as hell for my insurance company to find out about my sr. i pay 400/month for a “stock” 92. they said they wanted to take pics of it but i just said im at work while the place that takes pics is open and there is absolutly no way i can take time off work for that and they just left me alone. if anyone knows of a place that will insure 240s with sr’s or whatever let me know too

ok when i insured my rhd silvia at age 18 it was under my dads name for the ownership , they made me swear it woudl never be at a car show, if i was to get one speeding ticket my policy would be toast, absolutley no mods! etc etc. they asked what motor becuase the car was rare and the didnt know, all i told them was it was a 1.8 5spd

they required an appraisal… they guy came and didnt shit, looked at it inside out noted down the aftermarket seat, alloy wheels, muffler, and system… the badging on the side of the car says “twin cam turbo intercooled” he laughed when he saw it and asked if thats there to intimidate ppl" !!! of course rolling eyes