how does your insurance change with the sr in it?

I just called my insurance agent, (state farm) and asked if my insurance rate would be different with an sr20 and she said it has nothing to do with them?? I think she’s an idiot, but maybe I’m wrong. Anybody’s insurance change with an engine swap?

u will lose insurance all together.

in fact, if your insurance agent knew what you were talking about you wouls already have lost your insurance just for asking about it.

it has happened to other people on this board.


Get boomerang 2 and a really good alarm with SR, it’s worth it, you can’t claim SR20DET for that shit and not get dropped.

Guys! Don’t advise your insurance about SR20 engine or any sort of modifications that makes the car go faster and I am not talking about cold air intake or exaust. Yes, State Farm insurance brokers especially if it the one that takes care for your house and the car and all the cars in your familly they will pretend they didn’t hear what you said. I assume they don’t wanna loose commissions or simply they don’t want to loose the client. Telling the insurance broker about your SR20 engine is like telling the COP who is doing R.I.D.E that you have been drinking.

its like telling the customs gaurd at the border that you are secretly importing large quantities of cocaine to fund terrorist projects in wealthy suburban-american neighbourhoods.

And that you think it’s okay for gay people to get married.
They don’t like that down there…

Dude! What is wrong with you? :lol: … Don’t you ever tell your insurance about an SR20DET swap!

I have inquired about this since I have a rather good agent and I told him two things…

A… I have a SR20det which is a factory Nissan motor just never sold in north america. Cost of motor + Intercooler no custom mods to the car required to fit it or run/drive the vehicle. “so its not modified”

B… I have a stock 240 motor but I turbo charged it… “they probably wont know the diff”

I’m currently paying $290 a month and should have info/prices from my agent tomorrow required both engines or what not… lol. so will post that when I get it.

there is another version. Facility Insurance, the LAST resort.

I told my broker. I asked cause I had to change the engine if my insurance would raise or lower with either SR20DE or SR20DET, and my result was no.

Again failure to disclose is Fraud, and can lead to ins. cancellation anyway. Catch 22.

My ins. knows and it didn’t matter. She actually said: “Is this engine for racing?” and I thought, street racing is illegal so no, and there isn’t ins. on tracks, so I said: “NO”.

She told me to have an appraisal done so ins. would cover the value of the vehicle.

I hope this helps

I think for the most part…if you get in a bad reck and your car is written off. Don’t claim the mods you have, just claim the stock value of the car and leave it at that. Buy the car back from them and take your parts out.

When I got insurance a while back they said I had to tell them of any mods I did so if my car was in a reck, or stolen I would get money for my loss. As long as you arn’t using your car to race on the streets, and you don’t let them know your on the track (some companies don’t take to kindly to that) you will be fine. Track, insurance is void anyway so who cares.

This issue is still in the grey though. I myself am not too sure of this, so thats why I drive a stock KA :lol:


Bottom line is this:

If your car is modified, your only legal option is facility insurance. This is where you pay out the ass, but are fully covered.

If you don’t tell your insurance company, you can still get regular rates, and are covered for when you get pulled over etc. However, if the insurance company finds out, you will recieve a cancellation for non-disclosure, and that mark will be on your record for three years. You will be lucky to find any other company willing to insure you. Second, if you are in a collision and the adjuster takes notice that your car is modified in any way and decides to inform the insurer, you will recieve the same cancellation, have no coverage and will be personally liable for any and all damages. You know how you have 1 or 2 million dollar coverage for liability? Think about it.

Minor modifications such as intake/exhaust or wheels should not be a problem. Larger mods like a changed ride hieght, engine swapping, roll cages etc will void your insurance.

Do not tell them you take your car to the track.

If I remember correctly, Nismo from Neo240sx disclosed all of his modifications to his insurance company and truly does pay out the ass. But he’s also covered NO MATTER WHAT.

Which is a pretty good trade-off.

I can’t remember how much he’s paying tho.

He is on facility insurance. He is also over 25.

Here is how it works.

You modify your car, you are no longer insured. They insure you on a
stock car which constitutes a certain level of risk. You are insured for that.

If you raise the risk, then they will refuse coverge…

If you are in an accident you can’t claim damage to your engine or any
other modifications.

If you injure/kill someone your liability is also void because they weren’t
insuring a car with an SR or whatever.

Thats provided they find out, but if you ever get into a million-dollar lawsuit I’m pretty sure they’d look pretty damn close at the car.

Basically you have 2 options for insurance with an SR, stay with your company and risk getting denied a claim when you crash your car and potentially risk losing everything you own. Or get insured with facility association, they are the ONLY company that insures modded cars. My brother is an insurance agent and has gone over this with me, and there is no way around it.

Or buy an imported Silvia/180sx…
No swap hassles, no insurance hassles, and a body that will be in WAY better condition than almost any 240 you’ll find here…


I just spoke with my Insurance Agent and they will have to put me on Facility due to my driving record and being High Risk.

As it sits when my 240 goes on the road I will have 3 tickets on my record. I have a G license and am over 21 but that does not matter due to being High Risk.

Whether I have a SR20DET or a KA-T my monthly fee will be $375 and that is obivously without collision and I have a horrible record due to my tickets.

Now in my opinion… $375 isnt bad at all… more so because of my record, without having a bad record. I could not see it being more then $250.

Hope this is helpful for some of you


I am paying $350 not on facility, jeez, i should just go facility!

I have no tickets on my record, but its because I’m 19.

anybody else on facility insurance? how much do you pay if so?

$400+++ for facility

they rape me every month, and they’re the typical ins. assholes.