SR20DET and insurance

Hi i was wondering if you have to tell insurance that your swapping a sr20 or a ca18det in. And if so do most of necc people here do tell insurance?
thx for reading and maybe replying :slight_smile:

i told me company.

All they asked is the motor bigger?? I said no and they were fine with it. And the best part is, is that i did not lie. It is .4L smaller :E

ahah thx

I would definitely notify my insurance company. If you were to get into an accident and they found out, you could be stuck with insurance fraud and they could deny your coverage. This happened to a coworker, apparently it’s not a pleasant experience :stuck_out_tongue:

its not fraud if they dont ask!


True, but since it’s an insurance company, I’m sure there’s a clause somewhere that says you must notify them of any mods to your car. They’re damn sneaky like that. Bastards!

also true, but fuck the clause! hahaha SANTA CLAUSE is fake!

your insurance would hardly be effected but the engine alone is worth between $2,000-$4,000 depending what you go with. If my car was stolen or written off I would want that amount covered! I would be surprised if it effected your insurance more than $100 per year, chump change in the end!

Yeah mine isn’t insured with my RB20 engine but who knows, they could pull some crap about making sure it’s legal through smog and all that shit. I hate insurance companies. I should have just taken my engine code tag and put in my RB hahah now thats fraud 101

^^ We don’t have emissions testing in Alberta…


Man I though everybody knew that.

Even if we did, I still wouldn’t care, in with the test pipe, out with the cat! I must have gotten confused when having to go for inspections for imported vehicles. What have you guys all told ur insurance company? I’ve invested around 14 grand into my car so I dunno how the hell I could get any of that back if I had to write it off.

get it appraised…your premium might go up a slight bit, but its worht it in the end!

Yes get it appraised!!! I am in a battle right now with a insurance company because a construction company droped a crane on one of my Skylines I am selling and now they are tryin to fix it with shit parts and its all cuz I didnt have it appraised. Its been over a month since this accedent hampned to me and I havnt even ordered parts yet. Worst part is that I had it sold 2 days after it was smashed for 16 grand and that deal is now gone and theres nothign I can do about it.