September 19, 2005, 7:00pm
So true Andy, so verry true.
so locked.
so very locked
Overruled. I like where this is going.
September 20, 2005, 8:46am
Uhm … yeah, until your mom says to the cop “No, I hit him in our drive way … what the hell is this all about?”
And you find out what a “making false claims” charge is. I’m sure a cop will really take your side when finds out you’re trying to screw your mother over.
To your mom and 99% of the world out there, it is just a car.
If you got all bent out of shape, called your mom screaming “you just fugazeed my whip biznatch!!!” I would expect her reaction.
But everyone’s relationships are different. There’s bad moms and bad kids, depends on what side you’re sitting on.
Are you an ungrateful brat? If I backed into my kid’s car and he gave me shit about it. Fuuuuuuuhhhck. Here’s your walking papers. Figure life out on your own partner.
My mom dropped my birthday cake on my 15th birthday. She felt awful. I could have made a big deal out of it. “Make me a new cake bitch!” Yeah right. I laughed it off. Accidents happen. You think anyone else would pay for backing into your car? LOL Wake up.
I would never expect my mom to pay for it. Even if it was clearly her fault. If your car’s appearance is more important to you than family, you have other issues to sort out.
If it matters that much to you that your bumper is damaged, suck it up and fix it.
To any and all, man … if you don’t like the rules, move out. If all you have is respect and concern for yourself and your property … you don’t belong in a family unit, nor should you benefit in any way from being in one.
Sorry if that’s way off base, but the way I read it … if your mom was a total bitch, you wouldn’t be so floored by this … the Audacity that she considers your car “just a car”. And you wouldn’t have come crying to a forum.
Good for you then that you would just let your mother and father walk all over you like a doormat. I once scratched my dads car and I paid for it out of pocket. If my dad or mom ever did somthing to my car they would not even question the fact that they should pay to get it fixed.
September 20, 2005, 9:13am
Moral of the story. ^^^
Andrew’s right, where’s the mutual respect?
September 20, 2005, 10:31am
Ya well i have a 5 grand a year tuition so I can’t afford to move out.
I still dont get where your comparing a birthday cake to a car accident.