mom wants a bmw...

Multi level marketing company. Many call this a pyramid scheme.

jesus christ not this again

I’ve owned the following BMW’s:

128i E82
328i E46
330i E90
740iL E38
M3 E36
and 2 X3’s

Other than my M3, which was a disaster when I bought it, I’ve never had any serious issues with any of these vehicles other than ignition coils and an occasional MAF going bad. Price to repair is irrelevant. It cost no more to replace any parts on these, than it does to replace a similar part on my Hummer. These cars have been more reliable than anything else, that I’ve owned in the past. Your mom will be more than overjoyed with her BMW purchase :slight_smile:

Kinda MLM, def not a scheme. These programs are legit, they make real ppl real $$.
Take it or leave it, the money is there.

Good job YOTA.

sully, i respect your decision to participate in this MLM. however, you will continue to get your balls busted lol

Are you fucking serious? That’s my fucking MOTHER. Have some goddamn respect you fucking chode whistler.

It’s a health product company that myself and my family are promoters of. Yes it’s MLM based, and a lot of people on here have issues with that- hence why I never say anything about it here for the most part. Suffice to say, we love the products and have been reasonably successful with the business.

100% MLM and whether it is a scheme entirely depends on how the money is made. If, as a new seller, you have to buy a large amount of product or a starter kit of any kind that’s at least half way towards a pyramid scheme. Most people try to end up selling more starter kits to new “sellers” than actual products to customers. This is typically because the profit margins are so little, or the market is so flooded with the products that it is hard to make any money on the products.

mom make a good choice, those are really nice.

Keep talking about a company in which you know absolutely zero/squat/nothing/zilch about.

You’re a great guy, but in this case have clue what you’re talking about. If youd like me to explain/show you how it all happens text me, you have my number, if not-just PM me.

I thought your mom was more into Hummers…

Sully, just make a thread already explaining everything so people will stop talking out their ass. Why the secrecy and PM/text requests? Explain it to all of us sheeple.

Just do it already man.

YES THAT IS YOUR MOTHER, on the other hand i just wanted to say go fuck yourself.



That interior screams road trip.

that interior screams dont wear brand new dark jeans.

Gorgeous car. Moms not too shabby either.

Not cool, guys.

m package is such a necessity on these cars, made my mom get it on her 335 x3, bumpers are so much nicer


You’re right. I couldn’t have my 335i without it…I couldn’t stand the bumpers sans MSport package.