Mom's invite Oct 17th 11AM Empire Dragway.

Just putting this up in case people didn’t see it yet. Who will be coming out for this?
The track prep is always awesome on the mom’s nights, and the air should be great. This should make for some great times for the end of the year. :tspry:

i’ll be there for sure.

every one i know with a trailer will be there racing. lol It will be tough for me to make it. Ill try and get the car ready for it though.

i need my bottles!!!

uhaul 39-50 bucks a day.

Uhaul $54.95 and they close at 5pm on sundays so you can drop it off anytime before they open on monday and your good to go. They have 24hr drop off.

There is a group of us meeting at the huge Key Bank on NFB and greenhaven, just north of the 290 at 9am. If anyone wants to join in you are welcome to do so.

kaoss (red nitrous stang)

i will be going up with pat, should be fun!

:tup: guys. I will be out there around 11:00.

truck is on the trailer ready to go finally after a long day…

see ya guys tomorow. The great Choda is driving me up there.:tup:

i’ll be there with 2 bottles…many many psi’s.

I am ready!

2 of the big ones i hope.

I will be there 111lbs lighter :snky:

you having a skinny chick drive? LOL

You had to go there didn’t you?

just ditched some unneeded weight in the car, without cutting anything.

nothing but love for you Joe you know i’m only fucking around. :tup:

I took a few pics:

Foureyed in a qualifier. His car was MOVING!!!

dear 4eyed and turbociv… HOLY FUCK!!!