Monthly Meeting and Photo shoot - Sunday, Sept. 5th, 2004

NECC Monthly Meeting:

Place: Kelsey’s Restraunt, Oliver Square, Downtown.
Time: 7:00pm
Date: Sunday, September 5th.

As per usual, we will be having our meeting at the same location, same time etc. This time we will be organizing a photo shoot for the NECC so we have some pics to show around. Below we will discuss this further, but at either rate, hope to see you all at the meeting…

Just a thought, since we don’t have any real photo’s of NECC meets (other than us just parked in whatever order we show to the meet in) why don’t we organize like a little photo shoot of our cars? Like one evening when it’s nice out, head down where there’s a good shot of the city,or sunset, or a back road in the country or whatever floats your boats and get some decent shoots before the summer is over. If we get enough interest we can throw around some dates and yeah. Let me know there’s any interest, any places you’d suggest as well as when would be good for you :wink:

I’d be down, and I know Chrome Dragon would be in for it as well.

You know I’m there

If it can wait until september, I can be there.

Yeah, good idea.

What about on the top level of a parkade, the top levels that have no roof’s on them. And then there’d be the skyline right in the background. Know what I mean? Could be cool.

Sorta like this:

I’d be willing to come out and help with the photo’s. I’m a bit of a photo nut, and like to capture the right angles and so on.

Anyone going to UofA? Are there any parking garages that overlook the river valley where downtown is in the background? That would make a nice shot.

If anyone knows of a park with nice grass and maybe a fountain in the background, I’m sure I can do some nice shots. You need to get a permit from the city to move vehicles onto the grass of a park. I checked into it a few years ago. Don’t quote me on it tho.


i like that idea
i was going to do that anyway with my car…there is a nice spot near my house that over looks the river and the downtown landscape

What do you guys think about having a photo shoot for either our September 5th monthly meeting or for October 3rds?

So we could meet at Kelseys and then go to a place for some photos. We could even cruise to a couple of spots for some variety. So if most of us can agree on one of these dates, all we would need is a place to take the photos.

I think october may be too late, depending on how the weather behaves.

That’s what I was thinking. So September 5th?

Probably a better idea unless you want an 88 pathfinder in the

People who are coming:


I would be down …

I should be there

in the 300!?

Yup.If it isn’t sold by then.It’s a long story

Okay well I’m very pleased to see that we have a good demand for a photo shoot. So far the list looks like:


Maybe we should throw around an exact date right now of when we’re going to do this. Maybe after Sunday’s monthly meet??? Also if you guys have the chance to take some pics of backrounds of areas you’d like to have the photo shoot at, please post them up here so that way we can decide on where to go so we don’t just “wing it” at the meet.

Sunday, September 5th, 2004

Wow, amazing how I ended up in the list even though I haven’t posted. hehe

You guys know I’d love to come out and do a big photoshoot, but I have my Rocky Mountain Run planned for the 4th and 5th. I really hope to see lots of you out for that and we will be back in time for a meet on the evening of the 5th. We should be arriving back in Edmonton around 4:30-5:00pm.

So for all those out there who are interested be sure you get everyone you can out for the 2-day event, it’s going to be a blast!
