Monthly Meeting and Photo shoot - Sunday, Sept. 5th, 2004

Just showing our importance. lol

Yeah the meet looks like its gonna be big. The Eastbear/kouki tail-lighted S13 should be in attendance later on as well. Someone get the guy with the S15 conversion to come out too, if he isnt planning on it already. Aaron maybe you can send out a mass email reminding all the guests on the board of the event?

any word as of where it is gonna take place?time?

Place: Kelsey’s Restraunt, Oliver Square, Downtown.
Time: 7:00pm
Date: Sunday, September 5th.

Latecomers can call my cell to see where we have cruised to 709-6746

Done. :wink:

Make sure to have nice clean cars guys, we are gonna be taking pictures :wink:

Well my car wont be nice and clean since some fuck in a truck rear ended me today. good bye tail light and bumper. :evil:

I saw some pulsars at pick your part. Sorry to hear man :frowning: I hate fucks in trucks

well i just found out that i’m needed at work…i’m gonna see what i can do, because i desperately want to come…but i wll keep you updated…i’m pretty sure i can get it covered but not 100% yet :S

sorry to hear that pulsardet i got rear ended, too

but its not soo bad, it was just a cavalier, damage is minimal and you can only tell if you take a long hard look

Well i got some estimates today and im lookin at around 1200. :frowning: Good thing is he is gonna pay me out and my buddies dad is gonna do it for like 200 bux. I have a spare taillight and he has like 5 junked pulsars so hello $1000.

I will be there too, add it on the list :twisted:

People who are coming (24):

-Blackest 240

done…Don’t forget to BRING FRS RADIOS!!!

i dont have an frs radio? anyone wana lend me one or i danno?

i’m commin but i could be late cuz i get off work at aroudn 6:45 ish

Speaking of FRS radios, Jamie do you still have mine from the bbq meet?

yea man sitting in my dresser ill bring it on sunday

Looks like I probably will not be coming.I have come down with a strong flu and haven’t had time to clean the 300zx.Hope you guys have fun

Im in!

Looks like there’s really shity weather out right now. Hopefully it’ll clear up by 7 :wink: .