More auto food for thought

I love my TDI. I feel it’s the perfect combination of fun and practicality. It’s not fast and it’s not the absolute best vehicle on fuel but it’s a great compromise not to mention the amenities that it has to offer. I am perfectly happy having bought the car brand new and have 0 regrets.

Yah thats some crazy shit… since i just moved, my commute is now about 30 miles a week haha

Don’t me get fucking weird with you.

fixed :shifty

What are we even discussing, that having a car that’s relatively nice is a poor financial decision?

We should all be building rusty hondas too by that logic.

I’ve burned 2782.2 gallons of gas in my truck. Come at me.
That works out to 18.44 MPG.

Is it not?

Poor people don’t buy “nice” cars.

If it repair cost more than payment and they didn’t depreciate don’t, as well as lasted better in high miles, why would anybody drive a car that’s not “nice”?

Wanting something “nicer” is wanting something better.

Something that is “better” will cost more than something that’s worse even if they accomplish the same basic thing with just less features.

Simple economics.

Is there anybody ITT that could explain to me how oil works?

We buy it in barrels from over seas… Then we sell what we have to people over seas… Basic economics… LOL

Id rather be driving this:

than this:

at this point in my life.

… And which one was cheaper?

Things you “want” cost more than things you “don’t want”. :facepalm

Edit: figured you would want to live alone at this point in your life too…

Yah thats not true… Medical prodcedures.

Hey if you want you appendix removed in the back alley by a guy for $5 and a pack if Newports… By all means go ahead.

I’ll stick to hospitals.

it was a $600 pos. Currently truck was significantly more but really theres no comparison between the two.

Id rather not be like a scumbag driving that thing now. I didnt care back when I was 22 but now at 30 Id rather have a nice respectable looking vehicle and not some ancient shitbox. I actually saw that S10 still around a few months ago and I got rid of it in '03 with 157k.

Not having a surgery at all is what i would want…

Yeah well, and Id like to teleport places instead of driving.

PJB so what you’re saying is you’d rather spend more money than needed for just an A To B vehicle and have something “nice”.

Thank you.

yeah, and I think most people would agree with wanting to have the nicest vehicle we can afford to drive everyday and not some old shitbox. I drive a decent amount of miles each year and would much rather drive something that looks and runs good and is comfortable to drive.

After driving a few old beaters and then driving a few nicer, newer vehicles I wouldnt want to go back.

Maybe youve never had a nice vehicle and cant relate to that.

So your wrong. Things that you want don’t always cost more than things that you need.