More Mazdas247 Retardedness

huh? aren’t you an IT guy?

Honestly, I dont really see anything inept about what the Mazda guys said to you. You rubbed a sharp piece of metal against your car for 2+ years and strangely enough, it rubbed through the paint.
geeze… odd that you didnt pick up that little tidbit in your 10+ years of body work experience.
while you were busy in the body shop, you probably missed some chemistry classes as well, so here’s another little fact for you: bare metal in a moist climate will rust!
whatever… its a daily driver in pittsburgh. its going to rust. dont be so rough on the jdm ford kids because you got a rust bubble.

:rofl: @ JDM Ford

10 years of autobody/ mechanical experience :rofl: Did this experience start with your first red neon install on the sebring? or the following 9 subsequent years of beer drinking while watchin others work on cars?

jk big guy!

Dear Dr. NoShit, Please keep your Hondanized diagnostics out of this thread. Wha? Need some reading glasses? I’ve been around. Oddly enough, wasn’t jamming razor blades into the paint and this has never happened on any other car i’ve owned.
As for the jdm ford crew, I have shared the ‘turbo/bov’ thread but no the ‘murdered-out’ thread, yet. Just wait. Whatev.

Or I could just invite all my friends over, have them devote their time to build a junk 240 , then turn around and sell it like a total dick…


moving out of parents house > finishing the 240. and what are you bitchin about? didnt you get enough free beer? noone twisted anyones arm!

north hills drama! LOL

My “friends” need to lay off the haterade this morning and help me fight the man…

UPDATE: Stopped out the dealership this morning, service manager took one look…
“Yup, the rep is going to have to look at it…”

So sometime next month this should be resolved one way or another.

post murdered out thread

No… :spank:

Okay fine. Scope some murdered-out hotness during ur lunch hour.

murdered out is played out…

that Z06 is def. done the right way for “murdered out” but now it’s just gone off on a tangent.