Motivations for tailgating?

So you won’t hit the gas, to expedite passing because of you’re religious use of the cruise control, but you’ll spike the brakes to “teach someone a lesson.”

I have been trying to understand people of your mentality. I am not the police, I don’t care if people speed, so if someone runs up on me, or flashes the high beams…I get my ass out of the way.

Interesting perspective you have…
We’re on the same road, we have to share it, you don’t have to speed up if he goes past you, but if you and grandma jane are blocking the highway in a game of “who can use the cruise control the longest”, by default, anyone and everyone behind you 2, must now accommodate you.

So don’t be quite so sure of yourself when you say that you don’t have to suit others. By choosing not to drive more than 9mph over the speed limit, you are forcing them to suit you. It doesn’t revolve around you either, but you think it should, because 9mph over is reasonable to you, so it should be to everyone. Get off the soapbox, and get out of the left lane, maybe his dad just had a heart-attack, you don’t know.

Personally, I don’t think it’s a matter of tailgaters and non-tailgaters. There are considerate people, and inconsiderate people. Some days I am in a hurry, these days I would be considered a tailgater, because dumbass PA drivers don’t understand how the lanes work, and they drive 20mph under the speed limit if it’s raining, snowing, dark, or she is on her cell phone.

On other days, I am not in a hurry, I don’t speed (as much) and I make an effort not to block people who want to go faster. Maybe his grandma is in the hospital, maybe his wife is in labor, maybe one of his kids is sick, maybe he has to take a raunchy deuce, I don’t know, so I don’t judge, let the guy get where he is going in such a hurry.

And I make it a point to go the speed limit on no-passing roads. If I manage to daydream myself into a sub-speed limit stupor, and someone tailgates or flashes the high-beams at me…I get my ass moving. I do not play the asshole game, and try to see who can be the biggest one. I was going to slow and impeding others on road that we must share, clearly I was in the wrong.