Motor Abuse

Think anyone can do this with a KA or SR?

I’ll do it with a KA right now ill try to drift it with no oil!!! hahahaha


That be nuts! Think of all the big points you earn with all that smoke.

that is kinda old, but still crazy. I wonder how long it would of lasted if it was under load the whole time…

it was they were doing burnouts on that plank


Mad Respect for Honda Motor Co.

That was some intence shit.

Have you guys seen the one with the FC holding out at 9 grand for 11min?

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yea i have seen it. it was an FB though. pretty cool i was surprised a rotary could take that abuse

I could not see the vid but i think I may have seen it before. Is it a CRX or somthing?

When I first started my course at college we had a Cresidia that we were trying to kill, it had no coolant in it and very little oil, we reved the crap out of it and fed it with a whole bunch of different stuff mainly food.
We gave it chunks of hot dogs, marshmellows, candy, salad dressing, cheese and more. It would not die, this went on for a good 15-20 min before the cat caught on fire and we shut it down for a while.

After that we had a burn out contest with it. We had a 93 camaro LT1 and a 87 cutlas street stock car with a 350 small block in it. The Cresidia with the 6M destryed both of them and kept going until there was no tires left on the rims. That was the end of that day.

After several months and in the middle of winter we started it up again and fed it more food. Nothing would stop it not even 3 cans of coke, 2x1L cans of apple juice or popcorn kernals (wanted to se if they would pop). Finaly after dumping a large package of drink mix with sugar crystals into it the 6M lost compression and would not run.

After tearing the engine apart we found that the sugar crystals built up in the valve seats and the valves would not close and thats why it lost compression. It am willing to bet $100 that if we cleaned that sugar up the engine would have started again.

Sorry about the long story but… had to prove my point when I say I have mad respect for the Toyota 6M

Hahaha, oh man, that does sound like a Toyota. The salt is eating away at the chassis of my celica, and bits of it are falling off, but the engine, tranny, electronics, everything that isn’t being raped by the winter is MINT. This thing is a 1987, I’d buy another Toyota in a heartbeat. My mom’s 2002 Hyundai on the other hand… Well, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all, so I’m keepin my mouth shut about Hyundai. Forever.