Motor mount design.

That rabbit is awesome

Seriously kid, if you get bent all out of shape over a few posts you might need a vacation from it all for awhile :crazy I’m an overly complicated person to start. My posts unfortunately come off as such. That isn’t going to change.

Can agree on one point, it was a dumpy dodge that’s for sure.

omg im sooo bent. it was a statement, im certainly not excited.

if i were you i’d just buy a nice set of vf-mounts and stop worrying

but im just a cookie cutter setup kinda guy :slight_smile:

well, if they work well and the company sells them everyday, why reinvent the wheel. no need to justify pete.

You can say that again, you can probably buy Pete shaped cookie cutters… :rofl

Crazybrew… thats exactly what I am after. Its a track car, not a take your gf on a date out to dinner car. I dont care if it feels like I am sitting on a harley. :slight_smile: thx for the info!!!

DB1: Adam is one of the few people in here with the know-how, skills and tools to make shit happen. I would like to think I am a few steps behing him (mostly in the tools department), but we think the same way and can come up with some great ideas. Over complicated thinking is for engineers, not bolt on junkies.

Peeetar and MK4: Your both right the VF’s are good, no doubt. But for $500 a set, I can build them, exactly like they did in fact for $80 in materials and some time on a bridgeport. not to mention the mounts I am making are going to be hold this motor between the rails MUCH better than those VF’s would, there will be next to zero movement. Only reason to even have any bushing in there is for a buffer for some of the vibrations to keep the glass in the car! the dog bone is goign to be more or less a solid piece too alot like the bottom piece on thet woodyperformance pic. we also might be making a adjustable tie rod from the top of the block down to a hoop we are putting on the front horns to hold it even more and dispurse the twisting stress from the side mounts.

That “hoop” will also have something special mouted off it too, talking about weight transfer and over coming physics with engineering. :slight_smile:

Weld the engine in.


the machinest might not like that idea if I ever have to bore a cyclinder.

you couldnt be more wrong.

you are pretty judgmental with a big mouth. What have you fabricated that has any substance, importance or quality behind it (wire tucking a Honda doesn’t count) should take you 1.50 minutes to come up with a smart ass answer

more than you. welcome to the internet. i dont know what i should do with the other 1.45 minutes.

still waiting on an a real answer your 1.50 minutes is up fucktard

I disagree :lol

Okay wasnt going to chime in but…

First of Seamus, you know I like you, I’d like to think we get along pretty well.

But, you need to put some ice on that giant hardon you have for adam, I have no idea what your issue is with him, and honestly I really don’t think you have the reputation to try and talk over someone with more experience than you and get into a dick measuring contest, because you will loose.

Ever since I met you, you always had a fountain of information, and I actually had a lot of respect for that, but I’ve never seen any real world results out of all this shit you know. If you have, great I’d love to hear about it or see it.

Your trying to rain on somones parade who has proof/and a reputation for doing some crazy shit.

It just errks mee because adam has helped me out with some small shit that others coudlent at the time or whatever without even really knowing me. Not to mention the other members he’s helped.

I’m sure your going to take that the wrong way… but whatever

Learn to take some criticism

thanks, i’ll justify as i please, if i were to do anothe mk4 over again, it would have vf-mounts.

how so? what I ment by that is engineers tend to over think and over anal-ize things because we are programed to find failure points and what not. Engineers look at a lego and think they can build anything, average people look at a lego and think its a toy for a child.

I dun got proof! He isnt raining on my b-day… infact I lol at people who seem to know all the right answers, but couldnt pull off a end result. Let them keep coming, becasue my e-dick does actually get bigger, the more projects I accomplish and document. :thumbup

I would rather take the saved $440 over making my own ,technically better for my situaition, mounts than buying those vf’s and spend it on ratty old furnature to place on train tracks and wait for the LULz. :rofl

i didnt take it the wrong way lol, i just love busting balls on the internet. :rofl

The technical section isnt for ball busting Mr. I should Neg Rep you into infinity and byond