I try to represent well enough, but I can’t do it for all of us! I have noticed the same thing though…
Oh btw, it’s definitely. Common mistake. ;D :tong
I try to represent well enough, but I can’t do it for all of us! I have noticed the same thing though…
Oh btw, it’s definitely. Common mistake. ;D :tong
I LOVE F-40s!
I am immune because I worked a 15 hour work day today.
Bow to deez nutz lol jk. Hows life man?
A lot of work. I been meaning to come up for a visit again but I just haven’t had anytime.
I hear ya there man. This season was hit/miss at the lot, some good nights, seemed like more bad though with the pr’s dickin’ stuff up. We actually got some good racing off though this year compared to the last 2. I think im gonna head down to DFW texas and check out the scene there for a month or so in the winter time ;D
I heard. No PRs when I was there a year ago. Seems like a lot of people moving in? To be honest, I haven’t been around cars in over a year nor driven/started/looked at mine in 6 months or so.
I been concentrating on my career/business. Maybe I’ll get a new car when this economy shit is over? BTW, Nick’s 3000GT GT42R is basically shelved. He got a GTO and drives that. He is tired of the modding business I guess.
YEAH WTF!, He called me awhile back and told me he was parting out/selling everything, i couldnt believe it, especially after all the work and money he had in it. Oh well, like i said, you all come to the domestic side eentually! :mwahaha
did someone say dallas-fortworth? im in ;D
That gave that GTO to him. I was surprised too but he is a college graduate soon and is entering the working world. No free time.
very true
should be a sick time!
that would be SICK
the more the merrier!
This thread took a turn for the better I see
GM sucks and so do domestics. A yugo has a better interior than a ZR1. Truth is born!
haha i never said i wouldnt race a 230 hp mustang! What i said was that all these people that wanna dig race lets do it at the track where there is a little better traction, a tree, a real time and mph etc. I like racing on the steet actually i LOVE it but i like going fast, not 0 to a 100 id rather go from 40-190 thats whats fun to me. But if you really feel the need to race a 550rwhp car on motor or ???rwhp on 150shot, thats fine, i have nothing to lose!
I almost LOLed ;D