Motor went

:kiss: but the other mods before quik was even near it are what made motor become shakey. motor wasnt shakye until ported oil pump went in

17 more post gone,next is two ppl:ban:

i gave them a warning in efighting alreadyā€¦ 3 day ban

thank you :kiss:

yeah man, sorry to hear about the motor. you ever get a sound clip of it knockin like that? lol car was a good runnerā€¦now its on to bigger and better things. good luck with your next build up. cant wait to see it.

haha i will get a vid shortly haha

finally peace and quiet.

justin buy my motor:bigthumb:

i wanna go fast!!!

buy mine then


my motor is turbocharged. And it makes a cool sound when shifting and hitting full boost. It will get you laid and all the japanese kids will want to be you. Please buy it.

Not really,but i could help u out if need be. GO ahead n be a fucking faggot about it man,i tried to help and was nice but u have to be a fag about it AGIANā€¦i ma glad u blew ur motorā€¦instead of jenny craig u might want to pay attention and put ur money into ur ā€œchick magnet for fat guysā€:stick:

but mine wonā€™t blow

i would but im going to do the build

damn that sucks justinā€¦but at least u were already planing on going bigger and better :bigok: ā€¦ g/l on the build and i wanna go for ride when shes back on the road foolā€¦ :burnout::beer:

thanks man, and u def will!!!