Motor work

john y shouldnt i got now that u dont have connections do they treat some ppl better then others.

I’ve heard good things about BRK (it’s who Don recommended to me) but I have yet to check them out.

BRK…you get what you pay for. they have good pricing, but their methods and operation isnt the best, not in my opinion from what i saw.

i no longer use them because my friend no longer works there. I only trusted him to work on my stuff because i knew he would take the time to do it right. Its hard to find someone with the same passions, most are just in a hurry to get the job done.

U need to decide what you wanna do fast because the busy season is coming up and youlle be waiting a long time for someone to fit you in.

yea i no thats y im tryin to find a shop to go to the motors apart just needs to be taken somewhere. i guess im either ganna do odies or mcquillens

Heh, after being at McQuillens, I wouldnt taken an engine there.

ok so what i get is that everywhere sucks haha maybe ill just take the dremal to my motor and hope for the best haha joking. i dunno im just ganna call arouind sum tommaorw

dos did that. i wish i could find the thread. lol… this was years ago.

edit: without someone you know and trust ( like turbociv said ) you really end up just taking an educated guess on the calibur of the work being done. the worst can happen, even at the most reputable of shops :frowning:

Personally I have had 0 issues with BRK. I will say that I do not have any assembly done so I can’t vouch for that but I do have my machine work done and I check it all when I am done, I have only had one issue once and it was easily corrected

i know brian and hes a great guy, and i hate to say anything bad to hurt business. but at the same time, from the engines i see, i dont like the work. we, (me for my engines, or my dad for our circle track car) have never used him), so i cant say i have ever had a bad experience with him. machine work wise, i havent heard bad things from him at all. of course every shop has had a poopy job

Bad things like what? Details, not vague stories.

McQuillen’s dropped an engine block busting off a tab for the bell housing for me. Blamed the shipping company and didn’t pay for anything, just welded it back on. Crossing my fingers for when that engine finally runs again…

However, GM and Delphi send A LOT of work their way and wouldn’t waste their time and money if they didn’t get quality work.

grinding down rod bolts instead of clearancing a block, messy shop, unorganized, blowing up stock engines… etc etc etc.

but to balance that, he builds a very affordable engine (at least for circle track), and many of them perform well, and hes got great service. so im not trying to make him out to be all bad

Messy unorganized shop is something you look at? haha, I was just up at the premier builder for racing and street transmission for any classic British car’s shop a month or so ago. Path to walk through his shop, stuff everywhere, looked like an absolute mess, but he does amazing work. I couldnt care less if the shop is covered in ash if they do good work.

okay congradulations expert :rolleyes:

howcome u always try and correct me as if your opinions matter to me. i stated my opinion, you can do yours

Carl did work for GM, not the people working at his shop. Carl isnt even there anymore. Ive seen the work his sons do at the shop. They dont care, one it leaves. And I wouldn’t have work done there.

I thought Carl’s sons were about 12 years old?

Either way, I trust Carl, I can’t speak for everyone there though. And I’m not sure who worked on the engine I sent there.


Because usually you say something remarkably stupid or ignorant. Like the cleanliness of ones shop having anything to do with the quality of work they do.

Same, hence the school bus and backpacks. :lol:

how a shop is organized demonstrates the ethic of work they put out, jackass. not all the time, but most of the time. funny how you passed up some of the other of my few examples i listed. excuse me if i like my ENGINE machined and ASSEMBLED in a CLEAN ENVIRONMENT when some of the parts ARE NOT ALOUD TO COME IN CONTACT WITH substances as mild as HUMAN OILS :wink: