motorcross or bike tracks in buffalo area?

I’m looking for a place to do some bashing with my rc trucks. I’m trying to find a place with dirt jumps, but it doesn’t have to be a track. If you know of any good spots please post up, thanks

I think there’s a decent sized bmx track in Hamburg on Lakeview Rd. @ the town ice arena. You could give that a try.

Nike base, duno if it’s still open.

If you have an off-road vehicle you could take it to the ford hills. @ 42.781039,-78.844094 i can show you how to get in if you’re really interested in going. (its also possible to park your car and walk down there)

Fun part about the ford hills is you can play with the big trucks and little trucks

I don’t have a truck anymore and i don’t want to walk real far cause its a bitch hauling a few trucks, batteries etc…
I would like to check a few places out today so i have a good place for tomorrow.

Well, if you park at the Railroad crossing on bayview its not that bad of a walk… but you do gotta go through a small trail, or you can follow the tracks like most people do and go over a small hill and park there.

Thanks I’ll check it out tomorrow. Went to beaver island today and went through about 15 lipos, it’s a pretty good spot. I finally got to use my paddle tires :slight_smile:

If you don’t have a truck i suggest this way in, park near bayview and go for a walk.

It’s the easiest way in… kind of a hike but its a large open area with alot of jumps and stuff, even has some 60* inclines and shit too. I climbed up one of them in my commander the other night.


used to be a spot off the 290