motorcycle permit test

Anyone take this stupid ass test u got to take now and how hard is it i got a couple of friend who failed it the first time…

Yes, I took it and missed like every questions except for 3 the first time. You have to read that manual, and MEMORIZE IT. They ask you questions about the operation of the motorcycle, what do you do when _____ happens, and it’s stupid because you can’t possibly know the answer to the question unless you have ridden a bike before.

Also, they will ask you things like “Going through this curve, which lane position should you ride in? 1, 2 or 3?”, but going through a curve you are supposed to “outside, inside, outside” which is what the book says. It’s a trick question (the answer is lane 2).

It’s really retarded.

i passed it first try, but you do have to know the book pretty much word for word…
When i took it, you took the test when you went to get your lisence… I had ridden on 3 permits before i took the test (first two of which i was under 18, so you have to log hours and stupid shit - which i didnt do), so most of the stuff was common sense, but some of the questions are tricky from what i remember… good luck… i dont think its too hard if you just read through the book once the night before you take it…

take the time read the book

will save are lives if you at least knowlege yourself withy riding somewhat and not another shit dip on the raod

ie its easy common snense of riding

I failed twice. First time I didn’t know there was a “book”. After reading the book and taking it again… failed. Then after beating every stupid word of that fucking book into my head, passed.

Read the book, 3497983 times.

it was easy…I didn’t miss any questions

I tried to go take it today, but hit traffic, and they were closed before I got there. :frowning:

where do you get this so called ‘book’?

test was cake, really common knowledge

When did they change it?

When I took it in 99, you just bought the permit, no test.

this year or last sometime

Thanks guys for all the help i hope i pass it the first time

If you know how to ride it shouldnt be hard for you… But read the book anyways

it was changed in january cauyse to many ended up as shovel food

Know all the shit on the alcohol levels… What happens when a tire blows out what the bike will feel like. Like someone else said Memorize the book… They really do like to trick you on some of the questions… I passed my first time by 1 question - Good luck

I took it today at lunch, I only missed 1, I could’ve never read the book and passed it. The answer to 3 of my questions was “rise slightly out of your seat”.

Thanks for all the help

Got 16 out of 16 right when I took it. Most of its really common sense type stuff…but read the manual, the test material is right out of it. (I did have a lot of riding experience before hand fwiw)

Well, on a side note, the 3rd time I took the test, all the questions were basic knowledge of stuff. The first 2 times they questions were more difficult and tricky.

So they obviously randomize the questions and stuff, so you might get lucky and nail 16 outta 16, or miss 5 and go home pissed.