Motorcycle road test.

boys like ME!!!

i didn’t do figure eight’s, and i put my foot down twice while doing circles and still passed.

they just give you a series of directions (left then right then right then left then stop). then do circles one way, then another. pretty much it.

if you need someone in a car (you have to have a licensed motorcycle rider driving) I can probably help out

werd appreciate it :slight_smile:

i want to go pick up the permit book like now

I heard 2 left circles, 2 right circles, and stopping smoothly. I took the MSF course with no knowledge, passed, and got a license and an insurance discount.

+1 to the MSF course.


The permit test is so easy you could pass it in your sleep… Just go.

so true, the day i turned 16 i took my auto permit test, passed, went back in line and took the motorcycle permit test. I never picked up the book, its stupid easy, pretty much the same questions as the auto

i took the auto test long time ago…but i dont think i red the book

I took the msf course. I was able to do the figure eights really well by leaving the clutch out and dragging the brake a little to pull the rpms down. That was with a gz250.

I don’t I could do a figure 8 in such a small box with the sv. At least not with some practice.

I just finshed the msf class this week. Never rode a bike before in my life and i passed. Pretty much was some figure 8’s, braking fast and some left and right turns. Hope that helps.

its not bad at all, i took mine in buffalo. i think the hardest part was trying to remember all the turns the guy said that you had to take lol… also i suggest a small light bike that isnt very powerful that you can throw around pretty good (enduro is usaully perfect) find a parking lot and practice figure 8’s and also you circles and besure not to touch your feet. deff worth it once you have it, then your not worried about being pulled over all the time!!

Just took my road test yesterday at the Orchard Park testing site. Wow, it was cake. 3 Right-turn circles, 3 Left-turn circles, 3 figure 8’s, drove back to testing site and done. Guy was pretty cool with me, but my friend that had to chauffeur him said he was a douche.

Take it in angola, its worth the ride, not too far. I signed up a week b4 the course because people dropped out and i snuck in. got my license two weeks later. DONE. Ready to ride!

Really I still need to do this!

Yeah, it will be nice to not have to worry about getting pulled over. Not that it’s any license to drive like an asshat, but having the DM will sure be nice.

What are you up to this weekend? Maybe you can kind of show me what you had to do, to make sure i’ll be ok.

I need to get my permit again too. I’m done with school now though so i’ll have a lot more time to do it all.