Mountain biking ?

I rode sprague on tuesday and yes, it was a mess. I felt bad for riding on it actually.

Likewise. I was in vermont all of last week, and didn’t see trail updates on WNYMBA either. Up there you can ride an hour after torrential downpours, and come out clean. I was spoiled.

Rode Foote first and thought, “hey, this is dry, let’s do the main-loop!” Halfway thru, I felt bad and guilty for riding it.

fs is fun, but personally i would ride a ht any day over the fs. then again i only ride trails and hit a few jumps here and there

Lots of quality information in this thread, i really like it.

I need to figure out what the hell I’m looking for.

started on a hardtail, then went to a cheap ($1000) full suspension. loved it, couldn’t believe the difference it made. then sold the cheap full suspension and bought a good full suspension ($2500) and couldn’t believe the difference that made! you couldn’t pay me to ride a hardtail again! (i only ride trails too)

I haven’t even ridden a $2k-plus bike yet, and I would not choose to ride a 26" wheeled hardtail. I LOVE my FS far too much.

No i wasnt saying anything bad or thinking anyone was being rude. Im just saying the analogy was a good one.

In fact im actually enjoying reading everyone’s opinions on the subject and doing some homework.

I don’t see anything wrong with buying a quality made low end bike if your just starting out. I bought the DB witch is a good entry level bike, to see if I was going to like it. Sure enough I loved riding but it ended up being the street that I liked riding most. So it would have been an expensive mistake if I would have dropped $1,500 + on a mountain bike… This time around I dropped that kind of cash money on a road bike because I knew thats what I liked and wanted to do…

To all you guys looking to get into riding and not sure of what you want to do, don’t go out dropping big money on something you’re unsure of.

As for FS it’s great if you spending 95% of your time on trails but for road or a leisurely stroll through the woods, you would be better of with a HT

agree completely. there is nothing wrong with picking up an entry level bike to get you started, especially if you want to get riding but can’t afford a higher end bike. All bikes need maintenance, sometimes the higher end stuff even needs more maintenance, and all parts break once in a while. Its all part of riding trails. The used market is pretty hit and miss but is also a good way to go if you really want to get into a nicer bike for a lot less.

i am working on getting a bike I’m thinking a 29’er Gary full suspension i am looking at about the $1,000-$1,999 range, any other suggestions. I have plenty for time and i am working on the money bit.

One piece of advice I can give is don’t get hung up on a single brand or bike, especially if its your first high end bike. Go to shops and look at their selections and ride whatever you can. Often if you can’t get on exactly what you are looking for ride a similar bike of the same brand. Everything fits and rides a little bit different, a good shop will spend time to make the bike fit you as well.

Just picked up an 08 Redline Monocog 29er, should be in by the weekend.

If anyone here rides, or wants to ride, let me know!

bump. What are some good loops to ride. I went out by myself the other day and I was totally lost. I had the map with me, but I just couldn’t get any good solid runs in because I didn’t know the map. So what are some good lines that you can run and where should I stay away from being that I’m not so much of a seasoned veteran at this yet.

There are some trails behind Chestnut Ridge Park. You can actually take one or two of them into the park. Go up Herman Hill by Georges and about two miles on your left is a road called Seufert. Hang a left and there is a gate on the right side, you’ll see cars parked there with hikers, people walking dogs, other riders, etc etc. You will be fine there, it’s not super hard core, but there are some places you have to watch yourself so you don’t go over a cliff and hurt yourself. There are also some good single trails on Rice Road in the Boston Forestry Park. Hunters Creek is also good from what I remember, it’s been over a decade since I had a mtn. bike

I went to Hunter’s creek. everybody told me not to go there my first time out and sure enough, thats where I ended up going. It wasn’t too bad, but like I said, i couldn’t get a rhythm going because I didn’t really know the map well

Hunter’s Creek is awesome. I went for the first time last week with someone who really knew the trails and I was amazed at how intricate it was. Def lots to explore.

I don’t have any friends who mountain bike, so I can’t have someone to follow. :frowning: Maybe we can schedule something? My weekend is Tuesday and Wednesday, its an awkward schedule to make plans.

I would normally go on Wednesdays after work, actually. Let me hit it again with my coworker before I take you on a tour, but yeah I’m down.

Hunters Creek is a great place. I started off going to Spraque Brook too. Any other good places around?

Does anyone have a specific route that they take on Hunters Creek trails? Should I stick to one color at a time or is there a good route to take? I might try to get out after work tomorrow night and get a run in before it gets dark.